As far as the Marvel question (titles and/or interest) I get about 6 titles a month from them ... as of now. But I am also one that started reading/buying back in the early 70's so most of what I see from Marvel today is ... well ... trying to work 'new' ideas in with a 50 year old universe. It is just hard to do.
So hard, that I find I have little interest in the 'changes' or the 'different take' on characters or their stories. I don't really blame Marvel as much as it is just my old eyes having read some very good, and some very bad stories, with these same characters, over and over and over throughout the years.
Story re-hashes and bad stories aside. What really gets me is the 'voice' of characters being not what they should be. I know that characters evolve and change is a natural and good thing for stories, but I swear, some of these writers have no idea what the 'basic character trait' for some of the characters they are writing are about.
And even worse, when writers write a good character voice on one title and then take a totally different tone with that SAME CHARACTER in another title. How do you mess that up? (Yes, Johns, I am talking about your Aquaman and GL. Both good in their respected self titles books, but totally different in current time JL?)
I flipped through the Avengers Vs Xmen book about a week ago, and read about two pages of Cap and Cyclops having an argument. Cap then swings and punches Cyke in the face. I was just shocked. Cap, in that circumstance (that I can't articulate here, as I have had too many adult beverages

) would never do that. What the hell?
It is just hard to not to cringe at some of the stuff I see like that.
Having said ALL that, my Marvel pull will increase with the new #1's for I am a glutton for punishment. And I also get a pretty good return from Ebay when I sell my Marvel books there.
Now, enough with this incoherent rambling
"Barkeep, another stout!"