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Re: 2015-2016 Television Ratings

Posted: Fri May 05, 2017 9:04 am
by drew
Interesting I did not realize how little comparatively the cw has in programming - I think fx and amc have that much

Re: 2015-2016 Television Ratings

Posted: Mon May 08, 2017 4:31 pm
by fudd71
No Tomorrow and Frequency both cancelled, why I thought No Tomorrow was renewed is beyond me, I must have mis-read a press release. Hopefully that is one of the about 3 misses I will have.
fudd71 wrote:We are into sweeps and up fronts are just around the corner so after a few adjustments here are my final predictions. If you disagree or have questions please ask:

Agents of SHIELD predicting cancelled
American Crime predicting cancelled
American Housewife predicting renewal
Black-ish predicting renewal
Conviction cancelled
Designated Survivor predicting renewal
Dr. Ken predicting renewal
Fresh Off the Boat predicting renewal
Goldbergs predicting renewal
Grey's Anatomy renewed
How to Get Away with Murder renewed
Imaginary Mary predicting cancelled
Last Man Standing predicting renewal
Middle renewed
Modern Family predicting renewal
Notorious cancelled
Once Upon a Time predicting renewal (the one I feel least confident in)
Quantico predicting cancelled
Real O'Neals predicting cancelled
Scandal renewed
Secrets and Lies predicting cancelled
Speechless predicting renewal
The Catch predicting cancelled (would be the first of the Shonda shows to be cancelled)
Time After Time cancelled

2 Broke Girls predicting cancelled
Blue Bloods renewed
Bull renewed
Code Black predicting cancelled
Criminal Minds renewed
Criminal Minds: Beyond Borders predicting cancelled
Doubt cancelled
Elementary predicting cancelled
Great Indoors predicting cancelled
Hawaii Five-O renewed
Kevin Can Wait renewed
Life in Pieces renewed
MacGyver renewed
Madam Secretary
Man With a Plan renewed
Mom renewed
NCIS renewed
NCIS: Los Angeles renewed
NCIS: New Orleans renewed
Pure Genius cancelled
Ransom predicting cancelled
Scorpion renewed
Superior Donuts renewed
Big Bang Theory renewed
The Odd Couple cancelled
Training Day cancelled

Arrow renewed
Crazy Ex-Grilfriend renewed
Flash renewed
Frequency predicting cancelled cancelled
iZombie predicting renewal
Jane the Virgin renewed
Legends of Tomorrow renewed
No Tomorrow renewed cancelled
Reign cancelled
Riverdale renewed
Supergirl renewed
Supernatural renewed
The 100 renewed
The Originals predicting cancelled
Vampire Diaries cancelled

24:Legacy predicting renewal
APB predicting cancelled
Bob's Burgers renewed
Bones cancelled
Brooklyn Nine-nine predicting renewal
Empire renewed
Exorcist predicting cancelled
Family Guy predicting renewal
Gotham predicting renewal
Last Man on Earth predicting renewal
Lethal Weapon renewed
Lucifer renewed
Making History predicting cancelled
New Girl predicting cancelled
Pitch cancelled
Prison Break predicting renewal (not confident at all)
Rosewood predicting cancelled
Scream Queens predicting cancelled
Shots Fired predicting cancelled
Simpsons renewed
Sleepy Hollow predicting cancelled
Son of Zorn predicting cancelled
Star renewed
The Mick renewed

Blacklist predicting renewal
Blacklist: Redemption predicting cancelled
Blindspot predicting renewal
Chicago Fire predicting renewal
Chicago Justice predicting renewal
Chicago Med predicting renewal
Chicago PD predicting renewal
Emerald City predicting cancelled
Great News predicting cancelled
Grimm cancelled
Law & Order: SVU predicting renewal
Powerless cancelled
Shades of Blue renewed
Superstore renewed
Taken predicting cancelled
The Good Place renewed
This Is Us renewed
Timeless predicting cancelled
Trial & Error predicting cancelled

Re: 2015-2016 Television Ratings

Posted: Tue May 09, 2017 12:05 pm
by MisterFerro
Emerald City and Rosewood both canned according to deadline.

Re: 2015-2016 Television Ratings

Posted: Wed May 10, 2017 10:39 am
by fudd71
Taken renewed in a mild surprise and Rosewood cancelled.

Re: 2015-2016 Television Ratings

Posted: Wed May 10, 2017 12:08 pm
by MisterFerro
Sleepy Hollow has been cancelled. I loved the first season so much and the first half of season 2 but after they decided to drop the original premise I just dropped it.

Re: 2015-2016 Television Ratings

Posted: Wed May 10, 2017 5:20 pm
by fudd71
updated renewals and cancellations Last Man Standing is one the bigger shocks I can imagine
fudd71 wrote:We are into sweeps and up fronts are just around the corner so after a few adjustments here are my final predictions. If you disagree or have questions please ask:

Agents of SHIELD predicting cancelled
American Crime predicting cancelled
American Housewife predicting renewal
Black-ish predicting renewal
Conviction cancelled
Designated Survivor predicting renewal
Dr. Ken predicting renewal
Fresh Off the Boat predicting renewal
Goldbergs predicting renewal
Grey's Anatomy renewed
How to Get Away with Murder renewed
Imaginary Mary predicting cancelled
Last Man Standing predicting renewalcancelled
Middle renewed
Modern Family predicting renewalrenewed
Notorious cancelled
Once Upon a Time predicting renewal (the one I feel least confident in)
Quantico predicting cancelled
Real O'Neals predicting cancelled
Scandal renewed
Secrets and Lies predicting cancelled
Speechless predicting renewal
The Catch predicting cancelled (would be the first of the Shonda shows to be cancelled)
Time After Time cancelled

2 Broke Girls predicting cancelled
Blue Bloods renewed
Bull renewed
Code Black predicting cancelled
Criminal Minds renewed
Criminal Minds: Beyond Borders predicting cancelled
Doubt cancelled
Elementary predicting cancelled
Great Indoors predicting cancelled
Hawaii Five-O renewed
Kevin Can Wait renewed
Life in Pieces renewed
MacGyver renewed
Madam Secretary
Man With a Plan renewed
Mom renewed
NCIS renewed
NCIS: Los Angeles renewed
NCIS: New Orleans renewed
Pure Genius cancelled
Ransom predicting cancelled
Scorpion renewed
Superior Donuts renewed
Big Bang Theory renewed
The Odd Couple cancelled
Training Day cancelled

Arrow renewed
Crazy Ex-Grilfriend renewed
Flash renewed
Frequency predicting cancelledcancelled
iZombie predicting renewalrenewed
Jane the Virgin renewed
Legends of Tomorrow renewed
No Tomorrow renewedcancelled
Reign cancelled
Riverdale renewed
Supergirl renewed
Supernatural renewed
The 100 renewed
The Originals predicting cancelledrenewed
Vampire Diaries cancelled

24:Legacy predicting renewal
APB predicting cancelled
Bob's Burgers renewed
Bones cancelled
Brooklyn Nine-nine predicting renewal
Empire renewed
Exorcist predicting cancelled
Family Guy predicting renewal
Gotham predicting renewal
Last Man on Earth predicting renewal
Lethal Weapon renewed
Lucifer renewed
Making History predicting cancelled
New Girl predicting cancelled
Pitch cancelled
Prison Break predicting renewal (not confident at all)
Rosewood predicting cancelledcancelled
Scream Queens predicting cancelled
Shots Fired predicting cancelled
Simpsons renewed
Sleepy Hollow predicting cancelledcancelled
Son of Zorn predicting cancelled
Star renewed
The Mick renewed

Blacklist predicting renewal
Blacklist: Redemption predicting cancelled
Blindspot predicting renewalrenewed
Chicago Fire predicting renewalrenewd
Chicago Justice predicting renewal
Chicago Med predicting renewalrenewed
Chicago PD predicting renewalrenewed
Emerald City predicting cancelled
Great News predicting cancelled
Grimm cancelled
Law & Order: SVU predicting renewal
Powerless cancelled
Shades of Blue renewed
Superstore renewed
Taken predicting cancelledrenewed
The Good Place renewed
This Is Us renewed
Timeless predicting cancelledcancelled
Trial & Error predicting cancelled

Re: 2015-2016 Television Ratings

Posted: Thu May 11, 2017 11:55 am
by MisterFerro
deadline reporting that APB, Making History & Son of Zorn are axed.

Re: 2015-2016 Television Ratings

Posted: Thu May 11, 2017 12:21 pm
by fudd71
few minor updates no surprises, yet today.
fudd71 wrote:We are into sweeps and up fronts are just around the corner so after a few adjustments here are my final predictions. If you disagree or have questions please ask:

Agents of SHIELD predicting cancelled
American Crime predicting cancelled
American Housewife predicting renewal
Black-ish predicting renewal
Conviction cancelled
Designated Survivor predicting renewal
Dr. Ken predicting renewal
Fresh Off the Boat predicting renewal
Goldbergs predicting renewal
Grey's Anatomy renewed
How to Get Away with Murder renewed
Imaginary Mary predicting cancelled
Last Man Standing predicting renewalcancelled
Middle renewed
Modern Family predicting renewalrenewed
Notorious cancelled
Once Upon a Time predicting renewal (the one I feel least confident in)
Quantico predicting cancelled
Real O'Neals predicting cancelled
Scandal renewed
Secrets and Lies predicting cancelled
Speechless predicting renewal
The Catch predicting cancelled (would be the first of the Shonda shows to be cancelled)
Time After Time cancelled

2 Broke Girls predicting cancelled
Blue Bloods renewed
Bull renewed
Code Black predicting cancelled
Criminal Minds renewed
Criminal Minds: Beyond Borders predicting cancelled
Doubt cancelled
Elementary predicting cancelled
Great Indoors predicting cancelled
Hawaii Five-O renewed
Kevin Can Wait renewed
Life in Pieces renewed
MacGyver renewed
Madam Secretary
Man With a Plan renewed
Mom renewed
NCIS renewed
NCIS: Los Angeles renewed
NCIS: New Orleans renewed
Pure Genius cancelled
Ransom predicting cancelled
Scorpion renewed
Superior Donuts renewed
Big Bang Theory renewed
The Odd Couple cancelled
Training Day cancelled

Arrow renewed
Crazy Ex-Grilfriend renewed
Flash renewed
Frequency predicting cancelledcancelled
iZombie predicting renewalrenewed
Jane the Virgin renewed
Legends of Tomorrow renewed
No Tomorrow renewedcancelled
Reign cancelled
Riverdale renewed
Supergirl renewed
Supernatural renewed
The 100 renewed
The Originals predicting cancelledrenewed
Vampire Diaries cancelled

24:Legacy predicting renewal
APB predicting cancelledcancelled
Bob's Burgers renewed
Bones cancelled
Brooklyn Nine-nine predicting renewal
Empire renewed
Exorcist predicting cancelled
Family Guy predicting renewal
Gotham predicting renewal
Last Man on Earth predicting renewal
Lethal Weapon renewed
Lucifer renewed
Making History predicting cancelledcancelled
New Girl predicting cancelled
Pitch cancelled
Prison Break predicting renewal (not confident at all)
Rosewood predicting cancelledcancelled
Scream Queens predicting cancelled
Shots Fired predicting cancelled
Simpsons renewed
Sleepy Hollow predicting cancelledcancelled
Son of Zorn predicting cancelledcancelled
Star renewed
The Mick renewed

Blacklist predicting renewalrenewed
Blacklist: Redemption predicting cancelled
Blindspot predicting renewalrenewed
Chicago Fire predicting renewalrenewd
Chicago Justice predicting renewal
Chicago Med predicting renewalrenewed
Chicago PD predicting renewalrenewed
Emerald City predicting cancelled
Great News predicting cancelled
Grimm cancelled
Law & Order: SVU predicting renewal
Powerless cancelled
Shades of Blue renewed
Superstore renewed
Taken predicting cancelledrenewed
The Good Place renewed
This Is Us renewed
Timeless predicting cancelledcancelled
Trial & Error predicting cancelled

Re: 2015-2016 Television Ratings

Posted: Thu May 11, 2017 12:22 pm
by fudd71
MisterFerro wrote:deadline reporting that APB, Making History & Son of Zorn are axed.
Also Blacklist was renewed this morning.

Re: 2015-2016 Television Ratings

Posted: Thu May 11, 2017 3:45 pm
by fudd71
Instead of making new posts I will just update this one.

Goldbergs and Great News renewed.

American Crime, Dr. Ken & Imaginary Mary cancelled.

Agents of Shield renewed

Secrets and Lies cancelled

Once Upon a Time renewed

The Catch & Real O'Neals cancelled

Blacklist: Redemption cancelled

American Housewife & Designated Survivor renewed

Brooklyn Nine-Nine renewed

Fresh Off the Boat & Speechless renewed

Law & Order renewed
fudd71 wrote:We are into sweeps and up fronts are just around the corner so after a few adjustments here are my final predictions. If you disagree or have questions please ask:

Agents of SHIELD predicting cancelledrenewed
American Crime predicting cancelledcancelled
American Housewife predicting renewalrenewed
Black-ish predicting renewalrenewed
Conviction cancelled
Designated Survivor predicting renewalrenewed
Dr. Ken predicting renewal cancelled
Fresh Off the Boat predicting renewalrenewed
Goldbergs predicting renewalrenewed for 2 seasons
Grey's Anatomy renewed
How to Get Away with Murder renewed
Imaginary Mary predicting cancelled cancelled
Last Man Standing predicting renewalcancelled
Middle renewed
Modern Family predicting renewalrenewed
Notorious cancelled
Once Upon a Time predicting renewal (the one I feel least confident in)renewed
Quantico predicting cancelled
Real O'Neals predicting cancelled cancelled
Scandal renewed
Secrets and Lies predicting cancelled cancelled
Speechless predicting renewalrenewed
The Catch predicting cancelled (would be the first of the Shonda shows to be cancelled) cancelled
Time After Time cancelled

2 Broke Girls predicting cancelledcancelled
Blue Bloods renewed
Bull renewed
Code Black predicting cancelledrenewed
Criminal Minds renewed
Criminal Minds: Beyond Borders predicting cancelledcancelled
Doubt cancelled
Elementary predicting cancelledrenewed
Great Indoors predicting cancelledcancelled
Hawaii Five-O renewed
Kevin Can Wait renewed
Life in Pieces renewed
MacGyver renewed
Madam Secretary renewed
Man With a Plan renewed
Mom renewed
NCIS renewed
NCIS: Los Angeles renewed
NCIS: New Orleans renewed
Pure Genius cancelled
Ransom predicting cancelled
Scorpion renewed
Superior Donuts renewed
Big Bang Theory renewed
The Odd Couple cancelled
Training Day cancelled

Arrow renewed
Crazy Ex-Grilfriend renewed
Flash renewed
Frequency predicting cancelledcancelled
iZombie predicting renewalrenewed
Jane the Virgin renewed
Legends of Tomorrow renewed
No Tomorrow renewedcancelled
Reign cancelled
Riverdale renewed
Supergirl renewed
Supernatural renewed
The 100 renewed
The Originals predicting cancelledrenewed
Vampire Diaries cancelled

24:Legacy predicting renewalfox has stated they will hold off the decision on 24 much like they did last year with the X-files
APB predicting cancelledcancelled
Bob's Burgers renewed
Bones cancelled
Brooklyn Nine-nine predicting renewalrenewed
Empire renewed
Exorcist predicting cancelled renewed in the biggest possible shocker
Family Guy predicting renewalrenewed
Gotham predicting renewalrenewed
Last Man on Earth predicting renewalrenewed
Lethal Weapon renewed
Lucifer renewed
Making History predicting cancelledcancelled
New Girl predicting cancelledrenewed
Pitch cancelled
Prison Break predicting renewal (not confident at all)another one that got a maybe
Rosewood predicting cancelledcancelled
Scream Queens predicting cancelled cancelled
Shots Fired predicting cancelled cancelled
Simpsons renewed
Sleepy Hollow predicting cancelledcancelled
Son of Zorn predicting cancelledcancelled
Star renewed
The Mick renewed

Blacklist predicting renewalrenewed
Blacklist: Redemption predicting cancelledcancelled
Blindspot predicting renewalrenewed
Chicago Fire predicting renewalrenewd
Chicago Justice predicting renewalunknown even after schedule release
Chicago Med predicting renewalrenewed
Chicago PD predicting renewalrenewed
Emerald City predicting cancelledcancelled
Great News predicting cancelledcancelled tough call after only two airing, will need some help to get renewed next year.
Grimm cancelled
Law & Order: SVU predicting renewalrenewed
Powerless cancelled
Shades of Blue renewed
Superstore renewed
Taken predicting cancelledrenewed
The Good Place renewed
This Is Us renewed
Timeless predicting cancelled cancelled then uncancelled
Trial & Error predicting cancelledunknown even after schedule release

Re: 2015-2016 Television Ratings

Posted: Thu May 11, 2017 5:29 pm
by fudd71
With Last Man Standing and Dr. Ken being surprise cancelations I wonder if ABC is getting out of scripted programming all together on Fridays and will find another reality or news show to go with Shark Tank and 20/20

Agents of SHIELD survives.

Re: 2015-2016 Television Ratings

Posted: Fri May 12, 2017 1:07 pm
by fudd71
More updates, nothing to shocking check the above post.
Seeing one trend that is changing, home studio advantage has always been there but it getting to be more pronounced. Several barely borderline shows seem to have their fates determined by weather or not they were owned by the network. I will have to adjust my prediction matrix for that in future years.

Currently 82-8 in predictions right at 91.1% a little lower than my 93.8% historical average. 18 shows fate still remains unknown. We shall wait and see what happens.

Re: 2015-2016 Television Ratings

Posted: Fri May 12, 2017 5:46 pm
by fudd71
Fox to hold off on decision on 24 much like they did last year with X-Files

Currently 85-9-1 (89.5%) on predictions

Re: 2015-2016 Television Ratings

Posted: Sat May 13, 2017 3:05 pm
by NDHorse
I have no idea how Crazy Ex Girlfriend on the CW is getting renewed, what with its horrible ratings, but I can only be happy about it. I love that show. It gets lots of critical love, but not the viewers.

Re: 2015-2016 Television Ratings

Posted: Sun May 14, 2017 7:06 am
by drew
Isn't the ratings for crazy ex gf so low it's funny I thought I heard Sam say it was like a .1 or something equivalent to super small