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Posted: Tue Oct 14, 2008 4:26 pm
by BobBretall
I've been re-doing my "Want List" since we're approaching being complete with entering my collection into ComicBase (should be done by EOY).....
The upshot is I have a LOT more stuff on my list now. Found a pile of short-lived series where I was missing only 1 or 2 issues, added in a lot of DC's War/Sci-Fi/Mystery series that had been omitted from my previous list (for instance, I thought I had collected all the Enemy Ace comics, but found this past weekend that I am WAY short of having a complete run).....
Anyway, lots more on my horizon....... I'll keep the Back Issue Spotlight episodes filled w/Back issues

Posted: Tue Oct 28, 2008 7:06 am
by Darth Kramer
At the Windy City Comicon, I picked up five more issues of Legion-era Adventure Comics and yesterday made an order from for eight more. This now means that there are only five more issues between #340 and #380 that I need. Next up, their brief back-up run in Action Comics!
Posted: Thu Dec 11, 2008 12:22 am
by TravAzz
I recently took the plunge and finally purchased the entire run of Miracleman. I've never read any of these books, and I've only heard good things. So here's hoping for something good. Also on the Miracleman front, I picked up the first 15 issues of Warrior Magazine. This has a lot of early appearances by Marvelman and also V for Vendetta. Pretty excited about receiving both of them
Posted: Thu Dec 11, 2008 2:07 am
by atomic99
TravAzz, do you have all the V for Vendetta issues when DC reprinted them in the late 1980s or did the Warrior issues you got cover all of those?
Posted: Thu Dec 11, 2008 2:47 am
by atomic99
Recent EBay purchases....
Spanish Language Variant of the Death of Cap from Captain America #25
German Language digest.
Movie adaption but an Israeli edition in Hebrew.
1970's Italian language version from Corno.
Posted: Thu Dec 11, 2008 6:41 pm
by TravAzz
atomic99 wrote:TravAzz, do you have all the V for Vendetta issues when DC reprinted them in the late 1980s or did the Warrior issues you got cover all of those?
That was a good question and I didn't know the answer so I looked it up. V is in 3 volumes, Warrior published the first 2 volumes. DC bought the rights and reprinted the first 2 volumes and then printed the 3rd volume for the first time.
Posted: Thu Dec 11, 2008 6:44 pm
by atomic99
Yes but do you have all the DC issues?
Secret Santa wants to know.

Posted: Thu Dec 11, 2008 7:39 pm
by TravAzz
I am sad to say that I actually do not own any V comics. It will be my first time to read these.
Posted: Sat Jul 04, 2009 4:26 pm
by Koete
Recently I've been hearing good things about Jim Starlin's run on Warlock, so I picked up all six issues of the 1982 reprint series that collected it.
Now that I have all of the 80 Page Batman Giants, I've begun focusing on the 64 and 100 Page Giants.
Batman #218 VG
Batman #233 VG/F
Batman #254 VG/F
Posted: Sat Jul 04, 2009 8:02 pm
by Trev
On my recent vacation to Seattle, Vancouver, and Victoria I picked up the following in grab bags:
Archie 457 (1996)
Archie's Pal Jughead 71 (1995)
Jughead 267 (1977)
New Adventures of Superboy #6 (1980)
Captain Marvel #1 (2002)
X-Factor vol. 1 Annual 1
Doctor Strange 87 (1996)
Ghost Rider 28 ( in some plastic bag -- assuming mid 90's)
Robocop 2 #3 (1990)
OHOTMU Update 89 #7
Legends of the Dark Knight #14
COPS #1 (1988)
Captain Atom #21 (1988)
Green Lantern #11 (1991)
Adventures of Superman #505 (1993)
Detective 610
JSA 78
Azrael #13 (1996)
The Shadow Strikes! #10
New Gods #5 (1989)
Batman 443
Justice League Task Force 19
COPS: The Job #1 (1992)
Superman 48
The Legion 14 (2003)
And other individual issues:
Uncanny X-Men 153
Avengers 185-186
X-Men 1-2
Fantastic Four 257
Superman's Pal Jimmy Olsen #99
GI Joe/Cobra #1-2
GI Joe Origins #1
Red Robin #1
Posted: Sun Jul 05, 2009 11:25 am
by Frank Castle
King Zombie #2 from Caliber Press. Took me a couple yrs to find this issue and it was damn satisfying to do so.
Posted: Sun Jul 05, 2009 10:26 pm
by BobBretall
I got a copy of Fantastic Four #6 this past week at the Frank & Son show for $75.......Condition appears to be about G (2.0).....
Generic cover shot....(not my copy)....

Posted: Sun Jul 05, 2009 10:45 pm
by Koete
Picked up two issues of Batman Family off eBay.
Batman Family #3 VG/F-
Batman Family #4 VF-
Posted: Mon Jul 06, 2009 9:53 am
by Frank Castle
BobBretall wrote:I got a copy of Fantastic Four #6 this past week at the Frank & Son show for $75.......Condition appears to be about G/VG 2.0.....
Generic cover shot....(not my copy)....

I love how Doom is so casual with the way he is taking out Human Torch.
Posted: Mon Jul 06, 2009 2:24 pm
by MobileHome
BobBretall wrote:I got a copy of Fantastic Four #6 this past week at the Frank & Son show for $75.......Condition appears to be about G/VG 2.0.....
Generic cover shot....(not my copy)....

$75 sounds like a good price to me. Nice score, Bob!