That DC dont push out new #1s all the time like Marvel is one of their strong points so this will be interestingJohnMayo wrote:Seriously?![]()
Re-voluming seems like a not-so-great idea. If they were to actually reboot the titles then I would have to give serious thought as to how much I care about reading the DC Universe titles as a whole. another New 52 style reboot of the continuity (which it doesn't sound like would happen) would also shape my opinion on if DC Comics needed new leadership. Honestly, just re-voluming to new #1 would also do that but to a lesser degree.

clobberin_time_bs wrote: [...] Your discussion about readers following only writers was interesting and it made me think about my habits. 1st and foremost, I will read anything that says [...] Quite honestly I think we all follow all of these things at different times for different reasons and the publishers need to market based on multiple aspects of the book and not just the author or the premiss (or the crossover).
So much in agreement with the above statements. Im a spiderman and x-men reader and for the last 25 years or so I know theres been a lot of ongoing spider- and x-titles, often 3-4 or more at the same time and with limited time and budget one have to do some prioritizing. When there was only one there was no choice, now with many more... lets just say its hard to get everything.doctormo wrote: Regarding John and Sam's discussion of creators and characters, I am someone who love certain characters but the creative team can influence my purchasing decision. My rationale is that I have a budget and I want to maximize my enjoyment. I cannot afford to be all in on a particular character. For instance, I started reading the X-Men back in 1987. At that point I only had to follow Uncanny X-Men. Depending on my finances/interest I followed some of the other X-titles. [...] I am willing to try certain Image titles because of that creative teams' track record on books they probably did at Marvel and DC.
One MAIN title makes it easy to pick the one you want, after the Secret Wars there are no clear main titles in the avengers or x-men camps which is probably (one of several reasons) why we have no standout sellers for those properties.
The actual Amazing SpiderMan only have one solo title (even if they double ship) which make my choice very easy. On the other hand we have some 8(?) other spidery titles with other new and old popular characters. You mention in the cast that AMS has dropped a bit since SW, that some readers move to those dont surprise me very much with the huge amount of similar titles/characters.
There are creators that engages interest in characters that are otherwise not interesting for me (warren ellis moonknight karnak, bendis iron man, aaron dr strange and so on). I continued with moon knight after ellis left, on the other hand i left wonderwoman after azarrello left... depends on how big changes that follows with the creative shift i guess?
It will be intersting to see what I choose when Snyder moves to detective, im not a hardcore batfan but ive liked snyders batman series, do i get both, do i stay on the main Batman title and put myself through (the suspected) frequent crossovers and interconnections with other bat/dc-titles or switch to detective with more focused stand-alone stories...
As a reader I like different comics for at lot of different reasons (FaveCharacters Spiderpeople/XMen/DarthVader, FaveCreators Ellis/Rucka/DelMundo) but a lot of what i try out is based on reading solicits and previews and trying out the #1-2 when it comes out (motivating an increase in orders for early issues, some actually samples a #1-title when it starts), some i like and continue with (howard the duck, monstress, new wolverine/ironman), some i like a little but cant fit into the ever expanding pull list (antman, gotg) and some just dont click for me(paper girls, black science, contest of champions)
Oh and when listening to your latest Comic Report i really feel your frustration and pain about getting the numbers to work out for all the marvel comics number shenanigans, couldnt help but loling to it still
