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Posted: Sun Jan 23, 2011 6:13 pm
by BobBretall
Paul Nolan wrote:Got absorbed by the Ultraverse
I loved the Ultraverse, particularly The Strangers & Mantra......
Posted: Fri Feb 04, 2011 6:59 pm
by abysslord
Paul Nolan wrote:Hello, My names Paul and I'm 33. I'm Married with two boys, and live in Southampton in England.
Nowadays I get all my books mail order. Getting mainly Boom! and Image books with a few Marvel and the odd book from other publishers.
Pretty similar. Name's Russ, 32, married with one son [3 yrs. old].
I collected/read comics as a kid, '87 or so to '94. Basically I read Spider-Man, then Ghost Rider, and I read all the Image titles when they first came out. Then I got sick of comics because of the cliches, storylines weren't interesting, and I was going to college and wouldn't have access to them anymore anyway.
Fast forward to 2003 and I see Ebay and how easy it is to get back issues now, so I fill in a lot of gaps in my spider-man collection, as well as catch up with where I left off. After catching up and buying new issues until Amazing 500 and Ultimate 50, I quit again. I didn't read anything in this period, purely filling in my holes. I didn't read anything because I felt all comics were superhero stuff and just the same old same old. Plus I was reading about a novel a week of fantasy/sci-fi/horror so I had my hands full.
Fast forward to 2007, sold everything except my Spiderman and a few things here and there. I sold Spawn 1-111 or something for $400, that was ridiculous.
Fast forward to August 2010, the bug finally got strong enough for me to once again catch up with Spider-man and get up to date. Then I heard all this talk about walking dead and decided to try it out. I was amazed with how well I liked it and realized if there were more books this good, maybe I'm missing out by dismissing the whole comic world because I'm sick of superheroes. I also decided to read ALL my spiderman books, that was a monster task when you include all the sister titles.
So now I have like 30+ titles [probably 4-5 are due to Mr. Bob Bretall and looking at his indie list] on my pull-list, half are minis or so, but only two are Marvel [the spidermans] and Fables is my only DC related title. All the rest are independent .... not really a snob move on my part, just don't feel like reading a title with a huge backstory and the typical superhero stuff is kinda lame in my eyes, especially groups.
Posted: Mon Feb 07, 2011 9:20 pm
by Tom
Hi I'm Tom.
I've been reading comics for about five years. I first went into a comic shop to start getting the new Buffy Season 8 comic. The good sales people at Atomic Comics in Mesa Arizona pointed me to other comics they thought I would like, and I was hooked. I started reading a lot of Marvel comics, because having just finished Civil War, most of them had decent jumping on points. But my true comic love is for DC, as I watched Superfriends, and collected the Super Powers toys as a kid. I have watch most of the DC cartoons from Bruce Timm, which has kept my love of DC alive untill I started reading comics.
Before I started reading monthy comics I did pick up the occasional tpb, like Morrison's JLA, Loeb's Superman/Batman and Wheadon's Astonishing X-Men.
Now I read a good portion of what DC's put out, a few selected titles from Marvel (mostly Spider-Man and Avengers) and a few Indy's like the Buffy/Angel stuff, Morning Glories, The Traveler and a few others.
Been listening to the Mayo Report for a few years, but in the last year or so I've starting listening to almost everything from CBP.
I now live in Seattle, am happily married, and have a little girl on the way. I look forward to interacting with you all on the forums.
Posted: Thu Feb 17, 2011 12:01 pm
by Vernson
Howdy, gang.
Sort of skipped this step, so, oops.
Anyways, my name is Rob, Vernson on the forums.
I've been a very sporadic buyer of comics for most of teen and adult life, though I've always tried to follow the medium regardless of purchasing habits.
Most recently I've started to pick up the books and currently in that awkward stage of exchanging my floppies into HC's and Trades.
As far reading habits, I tend to lean towards independent titles, but am in no way allergic to the BIG 2 as this is what got me into comics in the first place.
Currently living in SE Wisconsin, married with a 4-month old daughter and serving as "daddy day care" which is giving more reading time, believe or not.
I'm really enjoying the podcast, guys and look forward to partaking in the forum exchange.
Posted: Sat Feb 19, 2011 1:45 pm
by Perry
Hello all. My name, as you can see, is Perry.
I have been an off and on again reader/collector of comics since the tender age of 8, when the kids in my neighborhood would use comics as currency in their friendly games of Jarts!!
Now back then, having no comics and yet still wanting to show my ability to completely dominate them with my massive Jart skills (and demonstrate my prowess for gambling), I had to run up the local convenience store (Had my mom drive me to 7-11) and buy my first set of comics.
Been hooked ever since.
Stopped collecting in the 80's for a few years, as I ventured from home for the first time and funds were limited and reserved solely for Ramen Noodles, but returned with glee as soon as I could.
The 90's also found me leaving the picture books behind, once again, but funds were not the issue as much as ... well ... the comics in the 90's.
Been back for a few years now and I honestly think the past 6 to 8 years have been some of the best stories and talent ever shown in this medium. It is a great time to be a fan of comics !!!
Talk to you around the boards, guys.

Posted: Tue Mar 01, 2011 11:51 pm
by johnegold
Hi, My name is John and I've been reading comics all my life. I think I was five when I got my first wolverine hat and instantly fell in love. I read some of the other posts and most people have much more reading years then I do so I'm a bit jealous. My first official comic that I bought was X-men #1 by Jim lee. I always thought he was the best but as a kid comic fan in the 90's I guess that makes sense.
I was always a marvel zombie (except for Batman ) until Blackest Night really convinced me to read DC. I'm 24 years old and for some reason don't have too much comic fans around me. My comic shop recently closed down which was pretty depressing. Especially because I was going to take over the business but once I saw the yearly loses it would have been a major mistake. I put most of my energy towards my webcomic. It's mostly about gaming but I throw in comic references because I really love comics. I also just redesigned the site so it's much more community friendly. People can leave messages! Well it's exciting for me atleast

You can check out the webcomic at
I'm glad I finally realized there was a forum for CBP. I guess I always knew since it would be mentioned in the podcasts.Never put two and two together. Just want to say I really love the podcast and the Mayo reports, it's really interesting to get the inside scoop on the financial part of comics. Keep up the amazing work guys and hope to hear from all of you possibly on Flopside

Posted: Fri Apr 08, 2011 2:20 pm
by ComicTrekker
Hi all! I'm Daron, and contrary to the very-first audio submission I made to the Previews podcast just this week, I checked, and my very first comic book was Amazing Spider-Man #135. I bought it myself when I was a wee lad.
I'm married with three young kids, so family life, while great, is very busy! I have to be very selective about the comics I read, because I just don't have enough time. It's a major reason why digital comics are a big hit with me these days. I can read them either on the go, at work, or at the lake in the dark without disturbing my family. I don't have to physically store the titles I get digitally. As I've discovered, however, digital does not yet offer the day-and-date titles I'm looking for. More on that in a minute.
I read comics pretty much straight through childhood, eventually turning into a major DC Comics fan. I left the hobby for a few years during college, started again when I was 23 and read them through the early 90s when I stopped again. Then I picked-up the hobby again in 2006 and haven't looked back.
Podcasts like The Comic Book Page podcasts have been getting me back up to speed over the last few years, as when I resumed the hobby, I did so mainly with trades, not at a local comic book shop. Eventually, after hearing plenty of Mayo Reports, and lots of comic book reviews on this and other podcasts, I pretty much caught up, and trades alone weren't doing it for me any more.
Then along came Comixology and I started getting into digital comics on my iPad and iPod touch. (Prefer reading on the iPad.) This would have been fine alone. I was all set to tell you a couple weeks ago that I've gone all digital, but now that I'm almost caught up on my favorite comic book universe, DC, I want to stay day and date in my reading. So, thanks to many mentions on The Comic Book Page, I'm back at DCBS, where I dabbled a bit last year, and I am back in the print universe... this time ordering single issues.
Digital still works well for me for Marvel and the independents. I like being able to save room in my house and not having to fill longboxes. I am not a hard-core collector. The comic reading experience is most important to me. However, I want to stay current with DC... so my DCBS pull list right now is mostly DC. I can see myself picking up more print titles, however, as I am starting to really enjoy collecting some single issues again. Besides, the quality is so high these days. The quality of today's comics was the biggest factor that brought me back. Specifically, all the talk about Identity Crisis and Infinite Crisis really sealed the deal for me, catching my attention and leading me to start a new trade collection, for starters.
John and Bob, thank you for creating such great podcasts, and an awesome forum community! I really enjoy your work. I'm sure you put in long hours at this, but it sure seems like you love it.
Posted: Sun May 01, 2011 12:35 am
by Kinetic
Hey all,
The name's Jared. I've been in and out of comics since the age of 8 or 9 (now in my mid-thirties) but never really a serious collector. I class myself as an enthusiastic but casual fan of comics
I have 2 young boys that I am trying to get into comics but so far they are only mildly interested. I will slowly wear them down. Resistance is Futile!
These days I read mostly digitally due to the cost of comics (here in Australia, comic books are muderously expensive), buying the collections of the books that I think are outstanding.
Im a big fan of the old Creepy Archives and horror books in general but my tastes are pretty broad and I will give anything a go. I loved the Unknown Soldier Showcase and am looking at getting more of the collections of the old war comics as well.
Anyways, I will see you around the traps and I am also over on the 11 O'clock forum as well for those that inhabit those forums.
Posted: Mon May 02, 2011 9:01 pm
by ninjapirategear
Hi, my name is Ben and I have been reading comics for about 15 years. I used to read everything, but since I started selling comics, my reading has gone way down. I try to keep up with all the Batman stuff, and a few other books like Irredeemable, The Boys, and Unwritten. I have an online comic store and I also do a lot of conventions on the east coast. Other than that, I pretty much just take care of my kids and try to keep in shape.
Posted: Wed May 11, 2011 3:08 pm
by Chris Campbell
Hey Bob, John - finally thought I should check out the forum after listening to the podcast for
I'm 33 years old, live in Vienna, VA with my wife and 2 boys (soon to be 3!).
I've been reading comics since 1983, and I've got a collection of about 6,000 comics, and I'm hoping to keep it around there.
I've focused more recently on buying original art and high-grade key back issues from the 1940's through the 1970's.
My most prized item is my Fantastic Four run. I'm missing a few issues, like FF#5 and FF#12, but otherwise I managed to track them all down over the past 25 years.
Keep up the great show guys, and I hope we can eventually meet up in person. Oh wait, you're not supposed to say that on the internet, right? Its creepy?

Posted: Wed May 11, 2011 5:15 pm
by BobBretall
Chris Campbell wrote:
My most prized item is my Fantastic Four run. I'm missing a few issues, like FF#5 and FF#12, but otherwise I managed to track them all down over the past 25 years.
Wow! This is impressive! You have FF#1, the comic that started "The Marvel Age of Comics"
Posted: Thu May 12, 2011 7:24 am
by Chris Campbell
BobBretall wrote:Chris Campbell wrote:
My most prized item is my Fantastic Four run. I'm missing a few issues, like FF#5 and FF#12, but otherwise I managed to track them all down over the past 25 years.
Wow! This is impressive! You have FF#1, the comic that started "The Marvel Age of Comics"
Definitely my most prized possession! I was lucky enough to get a copy back in 1996.
Posted: Thu May 12, 2011 8:41 am
by Trev
Chris Campbell wrote:Hey Bob, John - finally thought I should check out the forum after listening to the podcast for
I'm 33 years old, live in Vienna, VA with my wife and 2 boys (soon to be 3!).
I've been reading comics since 1983, and I've got a collection of about 6,000 comics, and I'm hoping to keep it around there.
I've focused more recently on buying original art and high-grade key back issues from the 1940's through the 1970's.
My most prized item is my Fantastic Four run. I'm missing a few issues, like FF#5 and FF#12, but otherwise I managed to track them all down over the past 25 years.
Keep up the great show guys, and I hope we can eventually meet up in person. Oh wait, you're not supposed to say that on the internet, right? Its creepy?

wow, that is awesome. I've been working on an early FF run for a few years and I'm down to about 27 issues between 1 and 30 that I need. FF #1 may be the last issue I ever buy in that run . . . if I can bring myself to pull the trigger.
Posted: Thu May 12, 2011 2:29 pm
by Chris Campbell
Trev wrote:Chris Campbell wrote:Hey Bob, John - finally thought I should check out the forum after listening to the podcast for
I'm 33 years old, live in Vienna, VA with my wife and 2 boys (soon to be 3!).
I've been reading comics since 1983, and I've got a collection of about 6,000 comics, and I'm hoping to keep it around there.
I've focused more recently on buying original art and high-grade key back issues from the 1940's through the 1970's.
My most prized item is my Fantastic Four run. I'm missing a few issues, like FF#5 and FF#12, but otherwise I managed to track them all down over the past 25 years.
Keep up the great show guys, and I hope we can eventually meet up in person. Oh wait, you're not supposed to say that on the internet, right? Its creepy?

wow, that is awesome. I've been working on an early FF run for a few years and I'm down to about 27 issues between 1 and 30 that I need. FF #1 may be the last issue I ever buy in that run . . . if I can bring myself to pull the trigger.
That is great! They're starting to get more expensive, especially anything issue #26 and back. And I tend to buy in the VF range, which makes things unfortunately pricey. And is frankly the reason why I've started to stall out somewhat. Oh well, I'm only 33. Plenty of time!
Posted: Sat May 21, 2011 9:17 pm
by BobBretall
Since we're talking about FF, I just got a copy of #20:
I still need 22 issues: