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Posted: Thu Aug 09, 2012 3:01 am
by BobBretall
Interested in Mark Waid's "Indestructible Hulk".
NOT interested in Jason Aaron's "Thor, God of Thunder". In particular, I'm not a fan of the "Thor exploring the far corners of space" and the new God-Killer villain is not something I'm intrigued by. I can completely understand this being the exact kind of stuff that has other people's juices flowing, but it gets a *meh* from me.
I was initially interested in the idea of Gillen writing Iron Man, but the specifics detailed in the link above do not really float my boat, particularly the extremis stuff. I'd just as soon that got swept under the carpet instead of brought to the forefront. Maybe Gillen will make this far more appealing than Fraction could manage to.
Posted: Fri Aug 10, 2012 10:49 pm
by Webhead
What is with the new look of Iron Man's armor? It looks like M2 universe Iron Man.
Posted: Thu Aug 16, 2012 7:23 pm
by HassanT
In the month of November, the Marvel Now books are:
UNCANNY Avengers #2
ALL-NEW X-MEN #1 & #2
A+X #2
FF #1
X-MEN: LEGACY #1 & #2
Marvel did say that Avengers Assemble is part of the Marvel Now initiative but the look of the characters is the pre-Marvel Now look. And it is stand-alone stories to appeal to readers who liked the movie.
Anyway, instead of a "slow" release, it looks like Marvel is releasing 9 NEW Marvel NOW books in one month, of which, 5 are double shipping. Instead of trying all of them, I am going to be more selective. I am going to get for the month of November:
Uncanny Avengers
Fantastic Four
Captain America
Iron Man
Posted: Thu Aug 16, 2012 9:44 pm
by BobBretall
HassanT wrote:In the month of November, the Marvel Now books are:
Hassan didn't provide a link so I will: ... tions.html
I'm off now to create the new Previews thread.....
Posted: Fri Aug 17, 2012 8:42 am
by stardog
I thought Alonso said that their would be one #1 a week because he was worried about our wallets (and as a shot at DC's 13 per week). Apparently it was just that there would be a #1 every week (through 2/13, I think), so it could be more than one.
I was just hoping the double-shipping would stop. I could even live with Amazing, Avengers, and All New X-Men double-shipping every month as the main titles of the big franchises, but Iron Man and Thor, too? And X-Men Legacy of all things? Not a good way to launch those books, which I'm sure will drop back to the sales numbers they're at now within a few months.
Posted: Fri Aug 17, 2012 9:49 am
by BobBretall
HassanT wrote:
FF #1
Anyway, instead of a "slow" release, it looks like Marvel is releasing 9 NEW Marvel NOW books in one month
I guess the calendar in the Marvel marketing office has a 9-week November on it (it actually has 5 Wednesdays).
Or else they don't really know what a "week" is.
OR perhaps they will release 1 a week, then have the All-New X-Men go back in time with pallets of comics to release MORE books, 1 per week.
Posted: Fri Aug 17, 2012 4:29 pm
by HassanT
stardog wrote:I thought Alonso said that their would be one #1 a week because he was worried about our wallets (and as a shot at DC's 13 per week). Apparently it was just that there would be a #1 every week (through 2/13, I think), so it could be more than one.
I was just hoping the double-shipping would stop. I could even live with Amazing, Avengers, and All New X-Men double-shipping every month as the main titles of the big franchises, but Iron Man and Thor, too? And X-Men Legacy of all things? Not a good way to launch those books, which I'm sure will drop back to the sales numbers they're at now within a few months.
What this relaunch tells me is that it really is no different from the other 5 or so relaunches they have done over the past decade. With double shipping, I am going to continue to be more selective with picking up Marvel books.
That said, no publisher is perfect. Here are my major problems with some of the publishers:
Marvel is double shipping combined with $3.99.
DC is that they are cross-over happy.
Image is that they love to launch several new series per month.
Dark Horse and IDW - Let's expand a franchise (i.e. BPRD and Transformers)
Posted: Sat Aug 18, 2012 9:10 am
by BobBretall
HassanT wrote:
That said, no publisher is perfect. Here are my major problems with some of the publishers:
Marvel is double shipping combined with $3.99.
DC is that they are cross-over happy.
Image is that they love to launch several new series per month.
Dark Horse and IDW - Let's expand a franchise (i.e. BPRD and Transformers)
Compared to the 9 new #1s from Marvel this month?
Compared to the 52!!!! New #1s from your beloved DC last year?
Image is not like other publishers. The work WITH creators to put out books, they're not pumping out corporate owned #1s every month.
I appreciate the fact that I have a bunch of new & different things to choose from. What you see as a problem I see as a strength.
It can only be a problem if you are interested in a lot of it and say "wow, so much cool stuff, I can't get it all because I'm getting so many DC books"
Posted: Sat Aug 18, 2012 9:22 am
by HassanT
BobBretall wrote:HassanT wrote:
That said, no publisher is perfect. Here are my major problems with some of the publishers:
Marvel is double shipping combined with $3.99.
DC is that they are cross-over happy.
Image is that they love to launch several new series per month.
Dark Horse and IDW - Let's expand a franchise (i.e. BPRD and Transformers)
Compared to the 9 new #1s from Marvel this month?
Compared to the 52!!!! New #1s from your beloved DC last year?
Image is not like other publishers. The work WITH creators to put out books, they're not pumping out corporate owned #1s every month.
I appreciate the fact that I have a bunch of new & different things to choose from. What you see as a problem I see as a strength.
It can only be a problem if you are interested in a lot of it and say "wow, so much cool stuff, I can't get it all because I'm getting so many DC books"
It is relative issue, as Image is 3% of the market but they release a lot of new number ones. In November, they have 8 new number ones. I think they hurt themselves more than other publishers by releasing so many new number ones.
Again, that is my own opinion and it really is the ONLY problem I have with Image. The good news is that they are all stand alone books.
Posted: Sat Aug 18, 2012 9:41 am
by Paul Nolan
HassanT wrote:
ALL-NEW X-MEN #1 & #2
X-MEN: LEGACY #1 & #2
for me the double shipping is the elephant in the room.
Why can't Marvel give 4 weeks between issues 1 and 2? at the moment the Final Order Cut-off for issue 2 is before issue 1 even ships.
and also looking at the November Solicits avengers buyers have:-
AVENGERS #33 $3.99
NEW AVENGERS #33 $3.99
DARK AVENGERS #183 $2.99
$18 in one month just on the MAIN Avengers titles seems OTT
Posted: Sat Aug 18, 2012 10:04 am
by BobBretall
HassanT wrote:
It is relative issue, as Image is 3% of the market but they release a lot of new number ones. In November, they have 8 new number ones. I think they hurt themselves more than other publishers by releasing so many new number ones.
But Image is not DC or Marvel (or Dark Horse, etc.)
How many #1s are in the back half of Previews in November?
These are essentially creator-owned books that Image is helping see the light of day.
The creators want to launch the books, Image thinks they are decent, there they go. Image gets their fee, then it's up to the book to sell or not.
You can't measure Image on the same bar as Marvel or DC as to the # of books they put out.
What I appreciate is that if there are a bunch of decent books, they get solicited. I don't have to get them if I don't like them. It's not like Marvel who seems to crank out books just to hit a quota and keep their market share & revenue at a certain level.
AND since Marvel has addicted fans & books all tied together, when they push out a bunch of stuff there are fans who feel compelled to buy it.
With Image, people can take it or leave it. For the most part it's not inter-connected and if you like something, get it, you'll have ONE book to follow, not one book that is a part of something you need to get 8 other books to get the full picture of.
Posted: Sat Aug 18, 2012 10:32 am
by JohnMayo
BobBretall wrote:You can't measure Image on the same bar as Marvel or DC as to the # of books they put out.
Very true. Image operates under a very different approach than Marvel or DC.
Perhaps the way to measure Image is not by the number of first issues but by the number of second issues and the number of ongoing titles.
The Image line up is an ever rotating group of miniseries and a handful of ongoing titles. This is both a strength and a weakness. The constant variety is a good thing. The short term nature of the majority of the titles means that even if you love what Image is publishing, in a few months most of those titles will be gone.
My perception, and I have crunched the number on this to be sure I'm right, is that Image has a high percentage of #1s compared to the number of titles published each month than Marvel and DC typically do. Sure, there was the one month that DC had 52 #1s but that is insanely atypical for DC. Marvel does the relaunches more often than DC and probably has a higher percentage of #1s compared to what they published than DC has but it is still probably lower on average than Image. (Then again, given how often Marvel does relaunch titles, I'm really no positive about that.)
Image on the other hand is publishing half a dozen or more #1s every month. Sure, that is because of the business model they are using. Then end result is, regardless of why Image has some many #1s each and every month, those #1s need to be pitched and "sold" to readers and retailers each and every month. While Image is good at collecting the $2500 and publishing those #1s, Image is not making any serious and consistent effort to promote all or even most of those new #1s each and every month.
The bottom line is that it makes it both trivial and very likely for Image readers to be only temporary readers of Image titles because the majority of Image titles available end naturally. Unless a reader is actively looking for replacement Image titles each and every month, within six month to a year, an Image reader could find themselves only getting whatever ongoing Image titles they'd been getting simply because all of the other titles either concluded or simply vanished.
so, while the constant influx of new and different material is a strength for Image, it isn't one the publisher is leveraging as well as it could.
Posted: Sat Aug 18, 2012 11:21 am
by BobBretall
JohnMayo wrote:
The bottom line is that it makes it both trivial and very likely for Image readers to be only temporary readers of Image titles because the majority of Image titles available end naturally. Unless a reader is actively looking for replacement Image titles each and every month, within six month to a year, an Image reader could find themselves only getting whatever ongoing Image titles they'd been getting simply because all of the other titles either concluded or simply vanished.
I'd characterize my personal flavor of "Image fan" as someone actively looking for the new & different. That's why I love them. There's always something different for me to check out. I like getting the new stuff to replace the old stuff that finishes off.
I'm not really interested in a bunch of titles that just hang out on my pull list for eternity. I get tired of them eventually (I eventually dropped Hack/Slash, for instance, after getting it for many years).
Walking Dead & Elephantmen appear to be titles from Image that goes against that, though.
In any event, I like variety over "same old".
Posted: Sat Aug 18, 2012 11:24 am
by BobBretall
JohnMayo wrote:
Image on the other hand is publishing half a dozen or more #1s every month. Sure, that is because of the business model they are using.
While Image is good at collecting the $2500 and publishing those #1s, Image is not making any serious and consistent effort to promote all or even most of those new #1s each and every month.
While I don't know all the particulars of the Image business model, do they get any profit sharing on a book that is a runaway hit?
Do they get the same for a #1 that sells 8,000 copies as they do for one that sells 40,000?
If so, is they any incentive at all for them to promote books more proactively than they do today? They have a very limited marketing staff.
Posted: Sat Aug 18, 2012 11:54 am
by Paul Nolan
Image Comics get the same amount of money for Walking Dead 100 as for L'il Depressed boy.
Not sure about the advertising, I do know Creators can choose which house ads they want in the back of their books (if any).