Yep, another great episode. Enjoyed the opinions about AGE OF ULTRON greatly even though, for the first time, I totally disagree with both of you.

But having a different opinion is of course what makes the discussion about comics fun.
I had no plan on getting this series, and in fact just borrowed a friends copy, due to the fact that I am not a huge fan of Marvel Bendis ... mainly for the reasons you guys bring up, but while you call issue #1 of AoU decompressed, I found it perfectly paced. When John compares it to just being the first 15 minutes of a movie, isn't that what a 10 part series should feel like? Issue #1's are used to set tone or plot point and I think it succeeded. But yes, opinions may vary.
Pacing and lack of compression aside, what I really wanted to hear you guys talk about was what made the issue so blatantly bad. Well to me anyway.
The only hero that was willing to go save Spider-Man was Hawkeye? I mean, I know not all the heroes are in that safe-house/underground tunnel, but out of Ben Grimm, Sue Storm, Monica Rambeau, Jenn Walters, Lo ... Wolverine, sad Steve Rogers and more, Clint was the ONLY hero that was willing to go get Spidey? The only one? And they (Like Cage and the rest of the group) even told him if he left to go save this friend ... their friend, not to come back? WHAT? What kinda crap is that? Horrible.
Even thought this series is a year or so late, it is suppose to be in continuity. As much as any Marvel book is, I mean. In other words, we were told by Marvel that this is "now" and the end of this series will change the Marvel'verse. If that is so, then why is Spider-Man Peter Parker? If this is a "now" story shouldn't it be Doc Oc in the costume? I mean, that is CLEARLY Peter talking and not Octavius. I hear that Slott is suppose to explain how this was Doc Oc in his SUPERIOR AU issue, but ... bah!
One of the problems with such a late event, characters can change and you should re-write to cover that.
Anyway, like I said, a great episode. Always enjoy them.