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Captain America movie.

Posted: Tue Jul 26, 2011 2:20 pm
by Gilgabob
Well, who saw it? I saw it Monday (non-3D) and was generally pleased with the film. I thought the transformation of Chris Evans from puny weakling to super soldier was amazingly well done. Hugo Weaving as the Red Skull was fantastic as always, Haley Atwell as Peggy Carter was solid and definitely easy on the eyes.

I felt they were very respectful of Caps's origin and set things up perfectly for the Avengers movie. Hydra came off as a very menacing organization but I would like to have seen another super powered villain from them in this movie.

Overall 4 out of 5 for me.

Posted: Tue Jul 26, 2011 2:49 pm
by BobBretall
I saw it yesterday with the wife & kids we all liked it.

My favorite of the 4 super-hero flicks this year. I'd put them in this order:

* Cap
* Thor
* X-Men First Class
* Green Lantern (sorry DC, I liked the movie but a giant "cloud" as the main villain was a weak move and put it behind the others)

PS: It was a good trick how they managed to do a WWII film with Nazis and managed to not show any swastikas in the movie...... (there might have been one in some actual newsreel footage, which is OK, the film should be able to be screened in Germany).

Posted: Tue Jul 26, 2011 3:57 pm
by atomic99
I saw a second swastika on one of the SS men that confronted the Red Skull. I'm not sure if phoney Hitler had one?

Posted: Tue Jul 26, 2011 6:45 pm
by GABE!
I really enjoyed Cap a lot, It was fun and action packed. I was really impressed with the CGI skinny Chris Evans, he was skinny for about half the movie and not one time did it look cheesy nor did it look like actual CGI work.

On a side note, I saw the movie Sunday night after the con, and on my way out I saw Robert Kirkman, Skottie Young, and Jason Howard in the back row chatting about the movie.

Posted: Tue Jul 26, 2011 7:42 pm
by Trev
I'm going Monday. 2D. I'll let you guys know what I think.

Posted: Wed Jul 27, 2011 7:56 am
by spid
I saw the movie in 3D and really enjoyed. My biggest problem was I wanted Cap to fight Nazi instead of Hydra. If any one had seen Band of Brothers will know how powerful some of those scenes are. I wanted Cap's battle sequences to be more like that and less like a 40s action adventure serial.

Overall the origin part of the movie was about as well done as anyone could hope for. It was really brilliant film making.

Posted: Sat Jul 30, 2011 11:06 pm
by onemaddog
I really enjoyed the movie but the 3D was pointless and this marks my last movie I will see in 3D. The only movie that worked for me in 3D was AVATAR . In my local Cinema the movie was just too dark in 3D and the effect was a strain on the eyes.

I am not a big Marvel universe buff but was that scientist guy Sark supposed to be the same guy that becomes iron man ?

Posted: Sat Jul 30, 2011 11:24 pm
by atomic99
That was HOWARD Stark, the father of TONY Stark (Iron Man). That didn't really happen in the comics but they threw him in the movie, I presume, to give a stronger tie to the Iron Man movie.

Posted: Sun Jul 31, 2011 6:51 am
by HassanT
I thought it was a great movie and my daughters loved the movie, as well. It had more heart than most super-hero movies. As for my favorite super-hero movies of the summer, it is hard for me to judge Cap, Thor, and X-Men First Class at the moment since Cap is the most recent one I have seen. All three movies are "tied" for first place in my mind at the moment. All were very great movies that made me excited to see more.

That said, I consider Green Lantern movie a distant fourth. The more I think about that movie the more I am disappointed. First of all, the movie was ok at best. Second, they failed to capture majority of the magic that is in the comic books. And this is coming from a hardcore DC fan (or Mr. DC as Bob likes to call me).

Going back to the Captain America movie, the ending was perfect. It was very emotional to see him run in New York City in present day and realized things are not the same. My kids, who didn't know the story of Captain America, was shocked by the ending. My youngest daughter said to me after the movie "He was asleep for 70 years!?". With that ending, everyone is looking forward to the Avengers movie next year.

Posted: Sun Jul 31, 2011 12:25 pm
by BobBretall
HassanT wrote: That said, I consider Green Lantern movie a distant fourth. The more I think about that movie the more I am disappointed. First of all, the movie was ok at best. Second, they failed to capture majority of the magic that is in the comic books. And this is coming from a hardcore DC fan (or Mr. DC as Bob likes to call me).
I think Green Lantern was an OK movie (some people called it terrible), but it was just not as good as the 3 Marvel movies. I also liked Cap best of the bunch. A lot of heart.

Posted: Wed Aug 03, 2011 7:57 am
by IanG
I saw this last night and loved it. I think a lot of credit should go to the director, Joe Johnston. The guy knows how to put out a solid period piece. He also did "The Rocketeer" way back when in 1991. My favorites parts are the action sequences when Cap is fighting with his shield. I didn't think they could pull off shield action and they exceeded my expectations.

Captain America: The First Avenger (Grade A) So much fun to watch
Green Lantern (Grade B+) I don't care that other people hate this movie
X-Men First Class (Grade B) Decent but Havok and Banshee zzzzz...

Some interesting comments overheard while at the movie theater:

"They're doing a Spider-Man movie over again, didn't they just do that a few years ago." Obviously this guy hasn't ever read comic books where they do reboots a lot

"I didn't know Walt Disney is releasing this Captain America movie" Most people don't follow comic book news

Posted: Wed Aug 03, 2011 10:48 pm
by atomic99
Whether it is ignorance or not, I think it is important to gauge what non-comic book readers think since they are the majority of ticket sales and not us.

A family waiting in line for when I went were fans but they didn't read the comics. The Dad wasn't sure if Spider-man and Cap were of the same company and the same with Wonder Woman. It is understandable since not everyone can be experts on all things. The guy had 2 or 3 kids. He probably can't afford comics with movie ticket prices for a family.

To me, it is telling if "civilians" are scratching their heads over a Spider-man movie reboot. That might determine if they want to see the origin all over again or if the 2002 movie is still fresh in their minds. And, quite frankly, I have the same reaction. And, from the trailer, it looks like we are getting a chunk of the origin again with this one. At least with Bond and Trek reboots, we got something new.