I will be updating a new comic (working on a new cast) and travel blog each Tuesday. I’ll also be sharing geek tourist destination suggestions, geek survival guides, and links to upcoming fun geek events and geek friendly websites here. Hope to do some interviews- "Geek of the week" as well. If you have any ideas to share please email us at geeker@havegeekwilltravel.com- we’d love to hear from you! And look for Nicki and me (and our mascot “Geeker”) at future comic cons. We’d love to meet you (and see our CBP friends again) and hear about your geek adventures and travel suggestions.
New blog and cartoon up today- "Have Picnic- Will Travel!"

This time I talk about the Memphis Jellystone Park and upcoming Popeye Picnic, as well as tease a bit about the upcoming Frog Fest in Leland, MS in September.

Last week's blog was about Metropolis and the Superman Celebration.
I will also be doing a couple fill in flashback blogs about trips I've taken in the past here and there, and later I will blog about the Nashville Comic and Horror Fest happening the first weekend of October. Should be a fun trip. Comics, horror, and meeting with Nicki's pastor to finalize wedding details! Man, if only the Predators were playing at home that weekend, too!

I'm on Twitter- @Have_Geek so please feel free to follow Geeker and me and share your geek adventures.

"Have Geek, Will Travel!"