KICKSTARTER: What are you supporting?
Posted: Tue May 29, 2012 4:58 pm
The purpose of this thread is to shine some light on Kickstarter projects that you think are cool and you are lending your support to!
This is the forum for
* 99 cent digital issues with the comic PLUS audio!!!!The primary objective of this Kickstarter project is to introduce Cerebus to a new generation of comic book fans by turning the World's Longest Graphic Novel into the World's Longest Audio Book with (fingers crossed) the creation of digital versions of every page of each issue of Cerebus. Every digital issue will include front covers, editorials, essays, letters and back covers and be made available as a $0.99 digital download (If this project succeeds!) In addition to digital versions of the individual comic books, Dave Sim is also providing additional audio and video content, including:
• Sim performing all of the hundreds of Cerebus characters' dialogue as well as text and captions from the storyline for every issue
• Sim will also provide audio-visual commentary for every issue, looking back and providing his reflections and a look at all of the relevant documents in the chronological Cerebus Archive
• In addition, Dave Sim will also be shooting and narrating footage of his rough sketches and drawings (and translating cryptic entries) from his notebooks, as well as providing a never-before-seen "tour" close-up of the original art still in the Cerebus Archive (190 pages of the 500 page HIGH SOCIETY as an example) issue-by-issue.
With the additional audio and video content, The Digital Cerebus will enable a new audience, and those already familiar with it, to take the "closest look EVER" at this monumental achievement. An established classic in the medium will be introduced to a whole new generation of comic book fans in an expanded modern format.
This has been pretty successful, they targeted $6,000 and have raised over $48,000 as I write this. They have pre-sold >1000 of the HCs which is pretty good sales for a $30 indie HC.Sullivan's Sluggers is a baseball horror graphic novel written by Mark Andrew Smith with art by James Stokoe (Orc Stain).
Our goal is to use Kickstarter to complete Sullivan's Sluggers and to produce a beautiful 200 page, color, hardcover book.
We're relying on your support to make Sullivan's Sluggers the reality we all so very much want it to be. $30 for 200 pages in glorious hardcover format is very reasonably priced, and Stokoe's art on its own makes Sullivan's 'the not to be missed' book of the year.
This book is exclusive only to Kickstarter backers and available here for a limited time.
This funded in 9 hours!BobBretall wrote:Cerebus: High Society Audio/Digital ... al-digital
I read Daisy Kutter in issue form, it was pretty good.boshuda wrote:I funded Daisy Kutter because I've never read it (or even heard about it), but the preview pages look pretty cool. And for only $15 you get a copy of the book (apparently delivered).
I'm in on this one, too. And from the site today:BobBretall wrote:This funded in 9 hours!BobBretall wrote:Cerebus: High Society Audio/Digital ... al-digital
The more they go over goal, the more issues they will produce in audio/digital format! I'd love to see the entire series done this way!
eHey guys! WE'VE DOUBLED our goal in less than 24 HOURS!!! THANKS TO EVERYONE!
Dave Sim was so excited and so appreciative that he called me this morning to tell me this.
"Every Dollar beyond the goal will now be put towards a mastered soundtrack for the book and special sounds and effects and whatever else I can think of to throw in there and make it even better"
If we reach the Dream goal of 200k then Dave will be doing all of the Phone books. Each and everyone of them! (keep in mind - this will take years!![]()
He also said he was going to get working on "SPECIAL" KICKSTARTER THANKS TO ALL THE BACKERS!!!
I just upped my pledge from $15 to $25. You only get the bookmark at $25, but what sold it for me is that basically for $10, you get a sketch.torchsong wrote:Alright you win...that book looks cool. I'm backing Daisy Kutter...
That's what I went in for as well. For $25 a book and a sketch inside are worth it, to me anyhow.boshuda wrote:I just upped my pledge from $15 to $25. You only get the bookmark at $25, but what sold it for me is that basically for $10, you get a sketch.torchsong wrote:Alright you win...that book looks cool. I'm backing Daisy Kutter...