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Marvel NOW ... relaunches

Posted: Tue Jul 03, 2012 11:44 am
by abysslord ... e&id=39525
In what will surely be seen as the publisher's response to DC Comics' New 52 which set it sights on new and lapsed readers with issue #1 jumping on points, Marvel NOW is being promised as an easy entry point into the classic Marvel U.
We all know Marvel are the kings of creating jumping on points ... .1 anyone?? :)

I read Spider-man and X-books. I don't think I'll jump on the Avengers even with this, and I'll need more info on that X-book.

I just hope they don't renumber Spider-man again, leave it alone please.

Posted: Tue Jul 03, 2012 12:09 pm
by Perry
Not seeing Bendis being the one that pulls me back into the convoluted, confused and contrite universe that is the X-Books. Lost interest in them years ago and tried to peak back inside about 5 years or so and didn't recognize anyone. Don't see having Bendis there will help me in that regard.

I love his solo stuff and his single character books, but his team efforts just leave me scratching my head most times and him having a multitude of mutants to work with ... and from what I hear it is a time travel story ... just compounds the chance of total reader chaos for me.

In all honesty though, I will try to avoid it, but who knows, curiosity being what it is ... and even knowing what it did to that damn cat, will probably not be enough to keep me totally away.

Hickman on a bi-weekly Avengers book however - Yeah, all over that. And I hate being forced to buy 2 issues a month. I won't care. I am a Hickman whore.

Probably getting the Uncanny Avengers (or whatever it is being called now) by Rememder and Cassaday. I mean ... it's Cassaday. And I guess it may have some X folks in there as well, so that may be an entry into the X books again ... perhaps.

If they are releasing at least one new number 1 each week for a few months, I am sure there will be more I add as things become clearer.

Posted: Tue Jul 03, 2012 12:31 pm
by boshuda
At $3.99 a book, with many shipping bi-weekly? Screw 'em. As much as I want to read an x-book the Marvel business people constantly keep me away. If they stop after releasing 20 titles or so, with a promise to keep the number that low and stop screwing around with marketing shenanigans I would most likely climb back on board. I might even dump all of my DC books to make room.

Posted: Tue Jul 03, 2012 12:38 pm
by ctowner1
So these are new ADDITIONAL books to what's already out there? There's going to be Avengers, New Avengers, Secret Avengers, Avengers Assemble, and now ALSO Uncanny Avengers, and Avengers (2 "Avengers"??? or is that the only one that isn't a new one?). (Plus Dark Avengers and Avengers Academy)?

Geez. Marvel's making it hard to be a Marvel fan!

L nny

Posted: Tue Jul 03, 2012 1:03 pm
by Perry
I think this is just another of Marcel's re-titling (IE - New Avengers turns into Uncanny Avengers, etc ...) They are essentially, from what I can gather from most new sites, restarting most all titles at 1. Sort of a reboot without the reboot.

They know how #1's sell so they do what they do. I don't like it, but can't blame them. If it was my business, I would renumber every two or three years because people buy the heck out of it. Not saying it is right, just saying you can't blame a company for continuing a process that buyers ... buy into.

Also, I want to make sure I clarify my stance on the X books - Just because I find them to be horrible and hard to follow, that is not to say that I am correct in my assessment. That is merely my own opinion and not trying to step on anyone differing opinion. I am truthfully happy that there are people that DO enjoy the X books. I wasn't trying to knock or slam anyone's opinion or thoughts on books they enjoy. As long as you enjoy what you read THAT is the main ... the ONLY goal.

Posted: Tue Jul 03, 2012 1:12 pm
by BobBretall
"Uncanny Avengers" by Rick Remender and John Cassaday starring a team composed of Captain America, Wolverine and others from the company's two powerhouse franchises battling the mutant-hating Red Skull.
Not compelling to me.
"All New X-Men" by Brian Michael Bendis and Stuart Immonen realigning the mutant team in the wake of "AvX" as the original five X-Men are mysteriously brought to the present day. This title will launch in November.
Original X-Men in the present day? Hmm. Maybe if Bendis changes his writing style. Someone who will be getting this please let me know if he can cover the amount of material in the first 5 pages of the original X-Men #1 in less than 5 issues.
"Avengers" by Jonathan Hickman and Jerome Opena, which is light on specific details aside from a roster of 18 heroes in a bi-weekly comic that seems to be Hickman-esque rethinking of the Avengers core mission in the vein of the writer's "Fantastic Four" run.
I'm interested, except for the "bi-weekly" part, which guarantees us a rotating art team. If they can do this like on Spider-Man or-Daredevil where artist shifts just continue on the story line unabated, it would be good. Unfortunately artist shifts on Hickman's FF stuff always felt like fill-in issues.
I'm guessing the 1st arc will be prepped in advance and will probably be very good.

Posted: Tue Jul 03, 2012 1:18 pm
by Paul Nolan
Sounds as if Marvel are just reshuffling their creative cards. Rebuilding with the same architects. They need to really refresh and renew to get me to buy again.

Posted: Tue Jul 03, 2012 1:28 pm
by abysslord
BobBretall wrote:
"All New X-Men" by Brian Michael Bendis and Stuart Immonen realigning the mutant team in the wake of "AvX" as the original five X-Men are mysteriously brought to the present day. This title will launch in November.
Original X-Men in the present day? Hmm. Maybe if Bendis changes his writing style. Someone who will be getting this please let me know if he can cover the amount of material in the first 5 pages of the original X-Men #1 in less than 5 issues.
I can answer that right now ... no. :)

Posted: Tue Jul 03, 2012 1:29 pm
by Trev
I will probably wait until something seems interesting, then get on board.

I wasn't getting any of these before anyway.

What about FF and Fantastic Four? If Hickman is off both of those books, it may be the end of Marvel for me for a while.

Posted: Tue Jul 03, 2012 1:31 pm
by BobBretall
Trev wrote: What about FF and Fantastic Four? If Hickman is off both of those books, it may be the end of Marvel for me for a while.
Hickman is off the FF franchise. I thought I had heard that Fraction was taking it over, which will ensure I drop the books.

Posted: Tue Jul 03, 2012 1:53 pm
by Trev
BobBretall wrote:
Trev wrote: What about FF and Fantastic Four? If Hickman is off both of those books, it may be the end of Marvel for me for a while.
Hickman is off the FF franchise. I thought I had heard that Fraction was taking it over, which will ensure I drop the books.
Dropped like a hot potato.

Maybe I'll pick up DD. It seems to be self contained with good stories and art.

Otherwise, I'm out of Marvel and down to 2 books in DC -- Flash and Demon Knights.

Posted: Tue Jul 03, 2012 2:07 pm
by Perry
Daredevil, other than maybe two issues, has been one of the best book in the entire industry has to offer each and every month.

As far as Fraction on FF (or F4 as I am sure there will be no more 'FF') I have to at least try. Two reasons -

1) While his Thor is nowhere close to being what I want from Thor, his Iron Man was a really well done book. He handled Tony (and Iron Man) in a very impressive way. Of course, I loved the idea of the Rescue armor which threw a lot of people off the title. I understand why, but I liked it.

2) It's Fantastic Four. My first true comic love. I just can't stay away. This is MY team.

(And yes, I agree with Bob and will go the extra step, the art in the 'FF' books ... eeewww.)

Posted: Tue Jul 03, 2012 2:09 pm
by Perry
Also, anyone see any Brubaker news? Will he still be around? Getting scared when I don't see 'leaked' info on him.

Posted: Tue Jul 03, 2012 2:49 pm
by Gilgabob
"Bendis commented on Jean Grey's return to the Marvel U via time travel, explaining, "It’s the one thing X-Men fans have always asked for is: They want Jean Grey back. But they want Jean Grey. Not reincarnated Jean, or the ghost of Jean. Well, you’re getting Jean back. And Jean is gonna be looking at a world that rattles her."

This is what marvel fans have always asked for? The return of Jean Grey? I'm not sensing this at all. Most fans I know want dead characters to stay dead. I know I do.
I'm finding that I'm am getting less and less interested in events and re-launches as I get older. I don't see myself getting any of these.

Posted: Tue Jul 03, 2012 2:57 pm
by boshuda
Man, this topic exploded and nobody seems excited. Everyone seems lukewarm at best. Do they ever ask us, the buyers (and those who've lapsed), what we ACTUALLY want? Or do they just think they know what we want?