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Posted: Sat Oct 20, 2012 12:55 pm
by ctowner1
I just saw the first 2 eps and overall, kind of disappointed. Perhaps because I'd been hearing good things, so my hopes were raised.
Overall, I thought it was just an ok adventure show. Very simplistic without much nuance. He's a judge/jury and perhaps executioner? But that's not even clear here. What's his plan? To intimidate the 20 shadiest Star(ling) city power guys into confessing to their crimes? And if they don't, then what? Will he kill them? We've seen him kill- but arguably in a self defensive posture. What if the bad guy simply says "you're mistaken- I'm not a bad guy and I'm not confessing". Will he kill them then? Or what if they do confess but still refuse? Then what? The shows solution to date has been (1) he somehow has access to ridiculously high tech that allows him to steal money from the bad guy and give it to others in a way that can't be detected (and therefore reversed) (pilot); or (2) he coerced a "confession" which, amazingly, held up in court. Ridiculous stuff which can't be taken seriously.
Then there's the characters- pretty 2 dimensional- either good or bad- with any nuance most likely being they're the opposite of what they appear to be. No grey areas here. Nobody that seems very interesting,
So that just leaves us with the action stuff. That's been pretty good so far- neat bow and arrow stuff- some nice fights. A bit of a mystery on the island (the final scene in the 2nd ep was a nice surprise). If they can come up with some clever plots, they might keep me in the game. But if its just going to be Ollie bullying bad guys week after week? I won't be around too long.
L nny.
Posted: Sat Oct 20, 2012 1:42 pm
by BobBretall
I thought Arrow was OK, but not great.
I was not enthused about them making him a killer right out of the gate. I liked that they keep having characters named after comic creators.
I also think the show plays very squarely to the CW's demographic of teenage girls, which I am not, so I'm not that surprised that I don't love it.
I guess the other demographic that will love it are hardcore DC fans that love anything from DC that doesn't totally suck

Posted: Sat Oct 20, 2012 3:48 pm
by Gilgabob
I agree with everything you guys said. I don't see this show being around for long. Too bad.
Posted: Sat Oct 20, 2012 5:37 pm
by BobBretall
Gilgabob wrote:I agree with everything you guys said. I don't see this show being around for long. Too bad.
I don't know. Smallville hung around a long time.
The actor playing Ollie Queen is good looking & spends a lot of time with his shirt off, I think it has a good chance with the standard CW audience.
Posted: Sat Oct 20, 2012 10:26 pm
by Gilgabob
BobBretall wrote:Gilgabob wrote:I agree with everything you guys said. I don't see this show being around for long. Too bad.
I don't know. Smallville hung around a long time.
The actor playing Ollie Queen is good looking & spends a lot of time with his shirt off, I think it has a good chance with the standard CW audience.
You're probably right. I googled "ratings for Arrow" and found this: ... os/153667/
Posted: Sun Oct 21, 2012 8:24 am
by HassanT
I thought the show is pretty good. It is an interesting take on Green Arrow, one that is more closer to Mike Grell's Green Arrow (i.e. he is a vigilante and uses real arrows).
As for the access to technology, his family is super-rich so that is how I assumed he has access to this technology. To me it is no different from the comic books when heroes and villains have access to technology that you can't get at Best Buy.
While I agree that there are some two-dimensional characters on the show, I think that Tommy and John Diggle are very interesting and there appears to be more to them that what has been revealed. I also think Stephen Amell is doing a great job as Queen/Green Arrow.
For the most part, the show is getting good reviews, even outside the comic world and it is CW's biggest hit in years. So it seems that they on a good track, even though it is not a favorite on this forum.
I just wish that DC Comics would get their act together with the regular Green Arrow book.
Posted: Mon Oct 22, 2012 11:35 am
by ctowner1
HassanT wrote:
As for the access to technology, his family is super-rich so that is how I assumed he has access to this technology. To me it is no different from the comic books when heroes and villains have access to technology that you can't get at Best Buy.
I can see this point in terms of him having access to high tech. Just seemed to me that what his arrow did in the first ep was waaay beyond normal. And he's not been established as having a science/tech background to make it himself.
While I agree that there are some two-dimensional characters on the show, I think that Tommy and John Diggle are very interesting and there appears to be more to them that what has been revealed. I also think Stephen Amell is doing a great job as Queen/Green Arrow.
For the most part, the show is getting good reviews, even outside the comic world and it is CW's biggest hit in years. So it seems that they on a good track, even though it is not a favorite on this forum.
I just wish that DC Comics would get their act together with the regular Green Arrow book.
Yah - I can see this being a hit. If it's exciting and plays on the comic elements, I might end up watching it for a bit, flaws and all. But if it gets as soapy as Smallville was, I might bail.
I used to sometimes watch Smallville in abbreviated fashion: I'd just fast forward through all scenes where 2 nonpowered people were talking, and just watch the rest. Cut it down from a 42 minute show to a 10-15 minute show! lol
L nny
Posted: Mon Oct 22, 2012 9:17 pm
by fudd71
While I didn't really care for the episode I watched, some did. It got picked up for a full season.
Posted: Tue Oct 23, 2012 12:32 am
by BobBretall
You may fall into the category with me: it was OK, but I'm not going to go out of my way to watch it. There are a LOT of worse things on TV.
Posted: Tue Oct 23, 2012 6:46 pm
by JohnMayo
My sister and I watched it and both of us enjoyed it. I liked how Ollie used to be a jerk and is now trying to make right but still has to act like a jerk at times. Most of the cast was pretty good and it was much more believable than I expected it to be. I'm looking forward to more episodes.
Posted: Wed Oct 24, 2012 2:06 pm
by Gilgabob
JohnMayo wrote:My sister and I watched it and both of us enjoyed it. I liked how Ollie used to be a jerk and is now trying to make right but still has to act like a jerk at times. Most of the cast was pretty good and it was much more believable than I expected it to be. I'm looking forward to more episodes.
As big of a jerk as Ollie supposedly used to be I think his sister and Laurel Lang are the bigger jerks. The guy came back from the dead and all they can do is ride his back about how big of a selfish prick he's been.
Give him a break girls!
Posted: Wed Oct 24, 2012 10:37 pm
by BobBretall
Ollie's death toll rises again this week......
Posted: Mon Oct 29, 2012 8:14 am
by spid
I enjoyed the show so I will continue to watch the show on Hulu, I have recording conflicts on Wed. I think it is OK. Not the greatest show on television, but I like it a lot better than the four or five episodes of Smallville I watched before bailing.
Posted: Mon Oct 29, 2012 9:59 am
by Gilgabob
spid wrote:I enjoyed the show so I will continue to watch the show on Hulu, I have recording conflicts on Wed. I think it is OK. Not the greatest show on television, but I like it a lot better than the four or five episodes of Smallville I watched before bailing.
Arrow moved to Saturday night.
Posted: Tue Oct 30, 2012 6:40 am
by spid
Gilgabob wrote:spid wrote:I enjoyed the show so I will continue to watch the show on Hulu, I have recording conflicts on Wed. I think it is OK. Not the greatest show on television, but I like it a lot better than the four or five episodes of Smallville I watched before bailing.
Arrow moved to Saturday night.
Maybe it is a local thing for your area. It still shows up on Wed. here.