Has Winter Solider been cancelled?
Posted: Fri Mar 01, 2013 9:17 am
I thought I had heard it was - but googled and didn't see anything?
L nny
L nny
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Variant cover by DAVE JOHNSON
• Jason Latour (Loose Ends, Wolverine) and artist Nic Klein (Dancer, Viking, Doc Savage) bring to life the penultimate chapter of THE WINTER SOLDIER’S newest deadly mission.
• Seated high above Earth in a S.H.I.E.L.D. satellite, The ELECTRIC GHOST has set her world-shattering plan in motion. A plan that only Bucky knows the truth behind.
• But what good can he do while at death’s door?
• Plus: the origin of Tesla Tarasova revealed
32 PGS./Rated T+ …$2.99
Were you reading this wehn Brubaker was writing it/are you reading it now, Bob?BobBretall wrote:It's in Marvel's March solicits.....
http://www.comicbookresources.com/?page ... e&id=43749
Variant cover by DAVE JOHNSON
• Jason Latour (Loose Ends, Wolverine) and artist Nic Klein (Dancer, Viking, Doc Savage) bring to life the penultimate chapter of THE WINTER SOLDIER’S newest deadly mission.
• Seated high above Earth in a S.H.I.E.L.D. satellite, The ELECTRIC GHOST has set her world-shattering plan in motion. A plan that only Bucky knows the truth behind.
• But what good can he do while at death’s door?
• Plus: the origin of Tesla Tarasova revealed
32 PGS./Rated T+ …$2.99
Maybe next month, if you wish hard enough......
From Bob's Over-Full Comics Pull-list Management:ctowner1 wrote:Were you reading this wehn Brubaker was writing it/are you reading it now, Bob?
BobBretall wrote:Shipment from Jan 23, 2013
5 "last issues" this week
WINTER SOLDIER #14 - Marvel (I'm out along with Brubaker)
I understand. Just pointing out where the OP might have heard it. Plus you can usually guess what books are in trouble even without the inside sources.BobBretall wrote:I pretty much ignore Bleeding Cool rumors. Actual news breaks plenty soon enough before something happens that knowing about it (maybe, if the rumor pans out) a week or 2 early is just extra churn.
I read it - and thought it was ok. Not terrible, but nothing special. If they were cancelling the book, I'd probably have stayed on the few issues just so I'd complete the series and b/c it wasn't that bad. But if it's ongoing, I didn't see enough in that issue to make me want to continue.BobBretall wrote:Does not seem like the new writer got much of a chance to establish a following if they are cancelling the book. Maybe a lot of other people did like I did & didn't even give the poor slob a chance.....
Did anyone read #15? Did you like it?
True, just look at the sales figures John covers each month. The books near the bottom are going to get canned sooner or later if their numbers don't improve.stardog wrote:Plus you can usually guess what books are in trouble even without the inside sources.
http://www.comicbookresources.com/?page ... e&id=40642Well, originally, the book was going to end around #14 or #15, because sales weren't as good as we'd hoped they'd be," the writer explained. "I'd been planning for that end for about three or four months. Then I guess sales stabilized, and the Cap movie [sequel] was announced, and everyone really likes the book and likes the character, so they want to keep it going. But in the meantime, I'd taken on outside comic work that was making my schedule harder and harder to keep up with, and so when Tom [Brevoort] told me they were keeping it going instead, I just felt like I needed to let it go. I struggled with it, and Tom and I discussed several possibilities of me staying, some of which I can't really discuss openly, because they concern internal workings of the company, but in no way was this an easy decision, and I feel bad if my readers think I'm bailing, because that wasn't the case.
I have been ignoring Bleeding Cool rumors as well. First of all, I rather enjoy the books in the present and not what might happen. In addition, some of his rumors are pre-solicts "news". (It is obvious to me that he has connections in both DC/Marvel marketing/sales and/or Diamond). I rather wait until the it comes out officially, rather figure out what is true or not. Third, some of his rumors are just conjecture.BobBretall wrote:I pretty much ignore Bleeding Cool rumors. Actual news breaks plenty soon enough before something happens that knowing about it (maybe, if the rumor pans out) a week or 2 early is just extra churn.
Great point about the Cap 2 movie, Hassan. I'll bet you're right and the comic isn't going anywhere (renumbered or otherwise).HassanT wrote:I have been ignoring Bleeding Cool rumors as well. First of all, I rather enjoy the books in the present and not what might happen. In addition, some of his rumors are pre-solicts "news". (It is obvious to me that he has connections in both DC/Marvel marketing/sales and/or Diamond). I rather wait until the it comes out officially, rather figure out what is true or not. Third, some of his rumors are just conjecture.BobBretall wrote:I pretty much ignore Bleeding Cool rumors. Actual news breaks plenty soon enough before something happens that knowing about it (maybe, if the rumor pans out) a week or 2 early is just extra churn.
I doubt there will not be a Winter Solider comic book since the next Captain America movie is called Winter Solider. Marvel most likely relaunch with a number 1.