Previews Spotlight #090 (Apr->Jun) Deadline: Sat AM, Apr 4
Posted: Sun Mar 08, 2015 10:06 am
Previews will be coming out on Wednesday, March 25th. The deadline for sending in submissions to the Previews Spotlight is the crack of dawn on Saturday, April 4th.
Please post which comics you will be sending in submissions for here on this thread with the full title and issue number. That way we can reduce the number of duplicate submissions and maximize the number of different items that are covered. If someone has already posted that they will be covering something you are passionate about discussing, we are okay with more than one submission for the item but want that to be the exceptional case.
Remember: Anyone can send in a short audio clip talking about any book in the upcoming Previews (or slated for release around that same time). This includes creators, publishers and other people directly involved in the project. This is your chance to promote items, including ones you have worked on.
The email address to send the clips to is
A couple of quick things that help out a lot in the organizing and producing of the episode:
Please featured item in a separate audio file. Exceptions can be made but the episode covers items in the order they are in Previews so listeners can follow along in Previews if they want to.
If possible, please follow the naming convention of:
p###-: the page number in Previews (ex: an item on page 80 would start with p080-)
Note that the "p" is lowercase. I use the name of the clip to sort the tracks in Audacity and it sorts all of lowercase letters before any of the uppercase letters. Obviously, I can fix this part of the filename if needed. Likewise, if you don't know the Previews page number, don't sweat it as I can look it up. Knowing the publisher of the item is a huge help when looking up an item so if that can be included at the end of the ItemName if the page number isn't known, that helps.
M###-: If the item is in the Marvel Previews, use the first even page number in Previews for Marvel with the page number in the Marvel Previews.
If the item is not in the Marvel Previews, skip the M###- part of the file naming convention.
ItemName: This is the name of the item. We need is enough to determine which item it is.
YourName: All we need here is enough to properly credit you in the show notes.
Please do not include spaces in the filename. Not all of the tools we use to prep the clips for the episode handle spaces in filenames gracefully.
If it is something not in Previews (like The Private Eye), use 888 for the page number and be sure to include a URL or whatever information might be needed to get the item for I can include that in the show notes if needed.
So, essentially, it use this:
p000-: placeholder for the page number in Previews
M###-: placeholder for the page number in Marvel Previews.
If the item is not in the Marvel Previews, skip the M###- part of the file naming convention.
ItemName: This is the name of the item. We need is enough to determine which item it is. The more complete this is, the better. Capitalize the first letter of each word and don't include spaces or punctuation. For example, "WolverineAndTheXMen1".
YourName: All we need here is enough to properly credit you in the show notes.
Please do not include spaces in the filename. Not all of the tools I use to prepare the clips for the episode handle spaces or other odd things in filenames gracefully.
At the very least, please include the full name of the item in the filename so it can be properly listed in the show notes. If you don't know the page number, that is fine. Just leave it off. But having the full name of the item the clip is for makes it much easier for me to organize the files and prepare for recording the episode.
If you have a link you'd like me to include in the show notes, include both your name and the link it in the email to me and I'll add it to the system I use for doing the show notes.
Useful Links
Tips on how to record a clip can be found here.
Online solicitations can be found at Comic Book Resources for Dark Horse, DC, IDW, Image and Marvel.
Dark Horse: ... icitations
DC: ... tatus-quos
IDW: ... icitations
Image: ... ew-50-more
Marvel: ... icitations
Archie (Dark Circle): ... e-shield-1
BOOM!/Archaia: ... oken-world
Please post which comics you will be sending in submissions for here on this thread with the full title and issue number. That way we can reduce the number of duplicate submissions and maximize the number of different items that are covered. If someone has already posted that they will be covering something you are passionate about discussing, we are okay with more than one submission for the item but want that to be the exceptional case.
Remember: Anyone can send in a short audio clip talking about any book in the upcoming Previews (or slated for release around that same time). This includes creators, publishers and other people directly involved in the project. This is your chance to promote items, including ones you have worked on.
The email address to send the clips to is
A couple of quick things that help out a lot in the organizing and producing of the episode:
Please featured item in a separate audio file. Exceptions can be made but the episode covers items in the order they are in Previews so listeners can follow along in Previews if they want to.
If possible, please follow the naming convention of:
p###-: the page number in Previews (ex: an item on page 80 would start with p080-)
Note that the "p" is lowercase. I use the name of the clip to sort the tracks in Audacity and it sorts all of lowercase letters before any of the uppercase letters. Obviously, I can fix this part of the filename if needed. Likewise, if you don't know the Previews page number, don't sweat it as I can look it up. Knowing the publisher of the item is a huge help when looking up an item so if that can be included at the end of the ItemName if the page number isn't known, that helps.
M###-: If the item is in the Marvel Previews, use the first even page number in Previews for Marvel with the page number in the Marvel Previews.
If the item is not in the Marvel Previews, skip the M###- part of the file naming convention.
ItemName: This is the name of the item. We need is enough to determine which item it is.
YourName: All we need here is enough to properly credit you in the show notes.
Please do not include spaces in the filename. Not all of the tools we use to prep the clips for the episode handle spaces in filenames gracefully.
If it is something not in Previews (like The Private Eye), use 888 for the page number and be sure to include a URL or whatever information might be needed to get the item for I can include that in the show notes if needed.
So, essentially, it use this:
p000-: placeholder for the page number in Previews
M###-: placeholder for the page number in Marvel Previews.
If the item is not in the Marvel Previews, skip the M###- part of the file naming convention.
ItemName: This is the name of the item. We need is enough to determine which item it is. The more complete this is, the better. Capitalize the first letter of each word and don't include spaces or punctuation. For example, "WolverineAndTheXMen1".
YourName: All we need here is enough to properly credit you in the show notes.
Please do not include spaces in the filename. Not all of the tools I use to prepare the clips for the episode handle spaces or other odd things in filenames gracefully.
At the very least, please include the full name of the item in the filename so it can be properly listed in the show notes. If you don't know the page number, that is fine. Just leave it off. But having the full name of the item the clip is for makes it much easier for me to organize the files and prepare for recording the episode.
If you have a link you'd like me to include in the show notes, include both your name and the link it in the email to me and I'll add it to the system I use for doing the show notes.
Useful Links
Tips on how to record a clip can be found here.
Online solicitations can be found at Comic Book Resources for Dark Horse, DC, IDW, Image and Marvel.
Dark Horse: ... icitations
DC: ... tatus-quos
IDW: ... icitations
Image: ... ew-50-more
Marvel: ... icitations
Archie (Dark Circle): ... e-shield-1
BOOM!/Archaia: ... oken-world