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Subscription Boxlight
Posted: Mon May 11, 2015 5:04 pm
by drew
great show, looking forward to the marvel and wizard unboxing episode(s)
FYI - the cheat code you mentioned is Nintendo's CONTRA code which gives you 30 lives and allowed a younger Drew to beat the game back in the also worked on other Konami games but Contra popularized it...
Re: Subscription Boxlight
Posted: Wed May 20, 2015 10:00 am
by clobberin_time_bs
Great Unboxing episode. I subscribe to both of the subscription boxes you reviewed this time and was curious how you would react to the stuff we got. I was a little more excited about the Comic Con box than you were but I am a huge zombie fan. I agree that they should have announced that the box would have a theme so that expectations could be reasonably set. Interestingly enough, I didn't get the DVD that you guys got and instead received a Patema Inverted Blu Ray. I've never heard of that movie, it looks like a manga movie of some type, but I'll throw it on in the next couple of days to see if it's any good. It does bring up the question though of how the items vary from box to box for the same month. A Youtube unboxing of the Comic Con box I saw had the DVD you guys got so I wonder what determined who got which movie.
The Marvel Collector Corps box was a lot of fun too. I love that big Funko Hulkbuster. The little Ultron figure did actually make me go online and see what other figures are available in that line, and while none are yet, I pre ordered a Deadpool and Harley Quinn figure that come out later in the year. Your discussion about the August box has me wondering what Marvel will do too. They swear up and down that they don't favor their own movie properties over those licensed to other studios. But if we never see a Fantastic Four or X-Men Collector Corp box, especially when they have big movies coming out, that will just confirm what you and I already suspect John. Oh, and the Fantastic Four movie does indeed come out in August, so we'll see what box Marvel ships while that movie is in theaters.
I am loving these unboxing episodes and hope you keep doing them.
Re: Subscription Boxlight
Posted: Thu May 21, 2015 10:32 am
by drew
great unboxing 2 fer episode
I think you saved me some $$, neither box sounds like it was for me
I will take those t-shirts though if they need a home

Re: Subscription Boxlight
Posted: Thu May 21, 2015 10:40 am
by Perseus
drew102e wrote:great show, looking forward to the marvel and wizard unboxing episode(s)
FYI - the cheat code you mentioned is Nintendo's CONTRA code which gives you 30 lives and allowed a younger Drew to beat the game back in the also worked on other Konami games but Contra popularized it...
Drew, without that cheat code, that game was impossible. It was even tough in the arcade! Kids don't know anything about difficult video games today. Play old school Nintendo without saves and let me know how that works out! TMNT was a beast to play, so difficult.
Re: Subscription Boxlight
Posted: Thu May 21, 2015 2:51 pm
by drew
Perseus wrote:Drew, without that cheat code, that game was impossible. It was even tough in the arcade! Kids don't know anything about difficult video games today. Play old school Nintendo without saves and let me know how that works out! TMNT was a beast to play, so difficult.
man I loved Contra, but if I didn't have that code I would still be trying to beat the game
TMNT was a blast too
Re: Subscription Boxlight
Posted: Thu May 21, 2015 4:56 pm
by Alec Burkhardt
Thank you, John & Kay, for these Boxlight episodes. More and more of these seem to be cropping up, and it is interesting hearing you open the boxes and review them. I've thought about doing Loot Crate a couple of times, generally after some particular box comes out which has something that sounds interesting, but in looking through their 'past crates' I always come away thinking that I'd be lucky if 1 in 3 boxes "hit" with me, and even then there'd be items to get rid of.
I suspect I'd have a similar issue with the Comic Con Box, and the theme they had for the first box would also not have been one I particularly would have vibed on. I do somewhat understand the theme, given the popularity of some of related properties (the White Walker in the print is from Game of Thrones, and essentially zombie-like), but since they didn't actually announce that the boxes were themed, I would have thought a broader assortment of items might have more accurately given the feeling of a "comicon". It will be interesting to see if future boxes also have themes, and if the themes will be announced as Loot Crate does.
The Marvel Collector Corp, on the other hand, sounded interesting and focused enough to get me to give that a try - despite not having regularly read a Marvel comic since Peter David's X-factor ended. I do have decades of history with the characters though, and my very first comic subscription was to Avengers back in the mid-70s. As a result, I expect to have a much higher "hit" percentage with such a focused box. And with every item being exclusive (although I suspect that sometimes might just mean some minor change in the Funko figure or an alternate cover for a comic), there is that feeling of getting something you can't get anywhere else.
Like John, I really hope DC will follow suit and do a similar box of their own. While I did start with Marvel, I read both about equally and I'd consider myself more of a DC guy. Although in both cases, it is more nostalgia than current work, as today most of my comics are from non-big 2 companies.
Re: Subscription Boxlight
Posted: Thu May 21, 2015 6:07 pm
by JohnMayo
I'm glad you all are enjoying the episodes. We'll be doing one on the 2015-05 LootCrate when it arrives. After that we'll almost certainly be switching to doing a single episode a month covering multiple boxes.
Re: Subscription Boxlight
Posted: Thu Jun 11, 2015 8:54 am
by clobberin_time_bs
Hey guys, fun Loot Crate unboxing episode. I'm curious, did you get the membership card for subscribing for a year? That was the one item I didn't get that you did. My button looked like an Iron Man hand but I have no idea whose hand he's shaking.
Re: Subscription Boxlight
Posted: Thu Jun 11, 2015 3:35 pm
by JohnMayo
clobberin_time_bs wrote:Hey guys, fun Loot Crate unboxing episode. I'm curious, did you get the membership card for subscribing for a year? That was the one item I didn't get that you did. My button looked like an Iron Man hand but I have no idea whose hand he's shaking.
Yes, I think so.
Re: Subscription Boxlight
Posted: Tue Jun 16, 2015 9:22 am
by bralinator
John, I think I've found another box subscription for your podcast. This one would be aimed at your sister, though.
It's called
FanMail, and it is a monthly subscription box aimed at the female geek demographic.
Re: Subscription Boxlight
Posted: Tue Jul 21, 2015 9:25 pm
by erickowabunga
Hey John - new to the forums, loving the podcast. I just got a targeted ad on Facebook for Comic Bento. Not sure if you have looked at it or not. The premise is $20 per month for $60 worth of trades. Here is a link with the promo's for subscribing. ... AsHi8P8HAQ
Thanks again!
Re: Subscription Boxlight
Posted: Wed Jul 22, 2015 7:14 am
by drew
enjoyed the last supersized episode...thought about sampling some of those boxes...but now I don't have to, you guys saved me some $$$
Re: Subscription Boxlight
Posted: Wed Jul 22, 2015 12:44 pm
by JohnMayo
I'm glad you guys are enjoying the Subscription Boxlights. We'll be recording the next one soon and it should include the Cosmos Lootcrate from Comic-Con, the Hero Box Super-Billionaire Fight Club Edition from Super Hero Stuff, the July ComicConBox and the July LootCrate.
I talked with the people at Comic Bento and it looks like a great deal for most people. Since I read so much, the odds of getting enough new reading material out of it seems low for me. That having been said, I think most of you guys should consider checking out Comic Bento.
Re: Subscription Boxlight
Posted: Wed Jul 22, 2015 1:09 pm
by NDHorse
JohnMayo wrote:I'm glad you guys are enjoying the Subscription Boxlights. We'll be recording the next one soon and it should include the Cosmos Lootcrate from Comic-Con, the Hero Box Super-Billionaire Fight Club Edition from Super Hero Stuff, the July ComicConBox and the July LootCrate.
I talked with the people at Comic Bento and it looks like a great deal for most people. Since I read so much, the odds of getting enough new reading material out of it seems low for me. That having been said, I think most of you guys should consider checking out Comic Bento.
I am already two months into my Comic Bento subscription and I am loving it. Of course there has been 1 or 2 duds in the 9 books I have gotten, but that is par for the course. Definitely recommend it.
Re: Subscription Boxlight
Posted: Thu Jul 23, 2015 9:21 am
by clobberin_time_bs
JohnMayo wrote:I talked with the people at Comic Bento and it looks like a great deal for most people. Since I read so much, the odds of getting enough new reading material out of it seems low for me. That having been said, I think most of you guys should consider checking out Comic Bento.
If you like that idea but want just single issues instead of trades Nerd Block has a comic block that comes with three comics and a t shirt. I've received two of them and haven't been dissapointed yet with either the books or the shirt.