Weekly Comics Spotlight #52

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Weekly Comics Spotlight #52

Post by Skyhawke »

Raging Bullets is indeed covering the Hawkman Special and I will be on as a guest to talk about it.
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Post by JohnMayo »

Cool. Let us know when that comes out. I'm looking forward to hearing what all you guys thought of it.
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Post by Skyhawke »

No problem I will be sure to let you know. It always humorous to me that everyone thinks of Norge first for being a fan of hawkman and not even me second even though my avatar is of me dressed as Hawkman. :D
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Post by JohnMayo »

I was thinking of him more because of the insanely in-depth reviews that Raging Bullet is famous for. I'm really glad that they are having you as a guest for the Hawkman discussion. For my money, Hawkman and his extended family account for most of the really convoluted continuity issues at DC.

Any thoughts on who else might be part of the Aberrant Six?
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Post by Skyhawke »

Adam Strange, Captain Comet, The Weird, Donna Troy are amongst the ones I am guessing. I think based on the special there is going to be one or two villains as part of this.
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Post by JohnMayo »

I was thinking mainly in terms of characters with really messed up backstories as being members of the Aberrant Six. But you line up makes sense and feels right for some reason.
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Post by laseraw »

fifty twoooooooooooooooooooo!!
awesome guys, congrats!!

i'll be checking out the hawkman special following your recommendation.
i'm intrigued!!

it seems like the new nyx book already takes care of "dvd like extras" issue we discussed elsewhere.
there's no reason why these guys shouldnt be more generous with their productions.
the content is already there, and they sure charge enough per issue!

anyhow... john and bob, awesome work as always.
great show! great "run"! :P
keep 'em coming!
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Post by Koete »

Congrats on your first year of podcasting and not missing a week to boot!
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Post by IanG »

I just listened to #052 today. Bob, thanks for mentioning my name, that was a treat being a first time post for me. I'm going to pick up a couple of these titles at my local comic book shop. I think it's great that you've reviewed a couple of comic books created by women. You've got Marjorie Liu writing NYX No Way Home. Kat Rocha is doing the art on Titanium Rain. I think it's important that we support good titles created by our sister's in comics. I've haven't read these titles yet but from what I've looked at online they look awesome.

My question, for you or any of your listener's encyclopedic minds in comics, what other women created comics would you recommend, past or present? I've recently discovered Jan Duursema's art on Star Wars Legacy, which I love being a Star Wars fan. I read the article from CCI: Women in Marvel over on the Comic Book Resources site, which gave me the idea for this question.
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Post by BobBretall »

The "Women in Comics" is a good question.....

One of the big ones that comes to mind (that's a classic) is Wendy Pini's work on Elfquest.

Jan Duursema also did a great run on Arion, Lord of Atlantis, that can (I suspect) be had as back issues at very reasonable prices.

I'm on travel for work right now, so just time to add a couple that were "top of the mind", but if nobody else jumps in and adds more, I'll put some more stuff up over the weekend.
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Post by HassanT »

On Sunday, I purchased the Hawkman special because Bob said he thought it was a really good comic in one of the threads. I stopped getting the Rann/ Thanagar War because I was getting a bit frustrated with DC Comics with all their mini-series and spin-offs.

Anyway, I did think the special was well-written and drawn, but I am upset that DC thinks they still need to screw around with Hawkman's background. I thought Geoff Johns did a great job relaunching Hawkman, why did DC have to change his origin again. Again, I thought the story was good, but I wish DC would just focus on new stories and not revamps.
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Post by JohnMayo »

I agree with you that messing with Hawkman's backstory probably isn't a good idea. But, they at least did it within the confines of the narrative universe and told a good story in the process.

Could they have told an equally good story within undoing the Zero Hour merging of the Hawk-characters? Yeah, probably.

I am really curious where they are going with this. And, frankly, not many comics these days have intrigued me as much as the Hawkman Special did.

Hopefully all of this is result in a great backstory for Hawkman that DC leaves alone for a good long time.
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Post by laseraw »

HassanT wrote:... I am upset that DC thinks they still need to screw around with Hawkman's background. I thought Geoff Johns did a great job relaunching Hawkman, why did DC have to change his origin again. Again, I thought the story was good, but I wish DC would just focus on new stories and not revamps.
i, as johnmayo does, also agree with that but, i believe this is early plotting for something else we'll see later on...
i dont know if it may be as soon as final crisis or beyond that but, i do get a feel that several seeds are being planted for the character and his role in the dcu, not only a re-orientation of his convoluted origin.

it just seems to me to be more than a revamp... he certainly has to go somewhere from here, right?
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Post by JohnMayo »

Yeah, the Hawkman stuff was clearly setting up something going forward. Hopefully a cool storyline that establishes the new backstory for Hawkman and positions the character for a good ongoing series.
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Post by Wood »

For the first time in a long time, if not ever, I didn't buy any of the books you discussed on an episode. :(

The Hawkman thing just missed my radar. I figured it for some random one-shot and I generally don't buy those pre-order. I will pick this up before I leave for vacation in anticipation of having some extra stuff to dig.

I really didn't care for the original NYX, so I passed on this despite being a rabid mutant nut. NYX, the original, gave us X-23. I hated her at first, but she went from being someone I despised to one of my favorite new characters in the Kyle/Yost X-23 mini series. For those always looking for inexpensive $1 bin finds, the X-23 series is well worth it.

And I've never been a big Trekkie, so those IDW books are way off my radar.

Either way, good episode, and listening to it made me eager to try Hawkman on for size.

Also, CONGRATS on the 1-year anniversary. That's phenomenal and to think you've never missed a week. You guys are MACHINES.
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