The Lazarus Contract - An Four part DC Crossover Storyline
Posted: Mon Feb 13, 2017 12:27 pm

By the way, there is one $4.99 issue... but it's not Marvel's 1st issue = $4.99 bs because the last part is actually Teen Titans Annual: The Lazarus Contract #1. The annual is 48 pages.As DC Rebirth continues, more mysteries about its hidden history are being answered, and one of the biggest is that of Deathstroke‘s relationship to the former Teen Titans. This May, Deathstroke, Titans, and Teen Titans will crossover for a four-part event titled “The Lazarus Contract,” as Slade Wilson targets the returned Wally West as part of an effort to resurrect his son Grant, aka the original Ravager.
Comicsalliance has the May solicitation for the crossover: ... exclusive/