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AMAZING! LAS VEGAS COMIC CON 2017 (June 23rd-25th)

Posted: Fri May 19, 2017 2:07 am
by MrAloha
Dear Gang,

Today, I interviewed Jimmy S. Jay, he and his brother, Bill are the Amazing! organizers, at Dragon's Lair to promote the 2017 Amazing! Comic Cons for Las Vegas and Hawaii. This interview will be on future episodes of Comics For Fun And Profit and Previews Spotlight Episode #116.

A BIG Mahalo to John and Drew for letting me do this promo/interview. Thank you, John and Drew.

And a BIG Mahalo to Jimmy Jay for taking his time out of his busy schedule to do an interview. Again, Jimmy, Thank you.

Attention: All Comic Book/Pop Culture Fans,

The 5th Annual AMAZING! LAS VEGAS COMIC CON will be on June 23rd to June 25th at the Las Vegas Convention Center

Here is the AMAZING guests line up!
(Note: This is subject to change.)

Media guest list:
Adam West and Burt Ward: The original Dynamic Duo. This is suppose to be their final appearance together in Las Vegas
Ray Park: Darth Maul, Snake Eyes, The Toad from the first X-Men Movie

Anime Voice Actor guest list:
Veronica Taylor: Pokemon and Sailor Moon
Bonnie Gordon: Street Fighter

Comic Book guest list:
Stan Lee: Nuff Said
Todd McFarlane: Creator of Spawn. Spawn #1: The Director's cut came out on 5/17.
Rob Liefeld: Creator of Deadpool, Cable, and the X-Force, and the new original Deadpool graphic novel that just came out on 5/17, Deadpool: Bad Blood.
Gerry Conway: Legendary writer, creator of the Punisher. Writer of the Spider-Man story, Death of Gwen Stacy.
Kevin Eastman: Co-Creator of Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
Jim Krueger: Writer on Foot Soldiers, and worked with Alex Ross on the DC's Justice limited series and Marvel's Earth X Trilogy
Mat Nastos: Writer on Phineas & Ferb
Jason Fabok: Artist on Batman #21 & #22, "The Button" crossover.
Chad Hardin: Artist on Harley Quinn.
Tyler Kirkham: Artist on Top Cow Studio's Darkness and Tomb Raider. Does works for KRS Comics where he works on a few exclusive covers for Marvel; such as, the Peter Parker, Spectacular Spider-Man #1. (It's a nice homage cover from the original #1 back in the seventies. Check it out
Eddie Nunez: Artist on Batman/TMNT Adventures
Natali Sanders: Artist for covers for Zenescope, BDI, and Aspen
Ryan Kinkade: Fan Favorite Artist on the Comic Con Circuit as the "Best Value Commission Artist."
Tony Fleecs: Artist on My Little Pony
Joe Ng: Artist on Street Fighter and G.I. Joe
Jeffrey "Chamba" Cruz: Artist on Blizzard's Overwatch, and Street Fighter
Livio Ramondelli: Artist on Transformers

Amazing Exhibits:
Carlos Molina's PROJKET CARS: Carlos Molina and his crew, per Amazing website, will convert a 800hp Mustang inside and out to celebrate The 25th Anniversary of Spawn.

This is an incredible line up!

Tickets are now on sale.

For more information; such as, guest updates, please click on the links below.

Thank you everybody for this thread.


Re: AMAZING! LAS VEGAS COMIC CON 2017 (June 23rd-25th)

Posted: Thu May 25, 2017 7:47 am
by jediknightbobby
Just heard your podcast, Great job. Made my hotel reservations yesterday. Can't wait to go to Vegas and enjoy the con. Once again great interview.

Re: AMAZING! LAS VEGAS COMIC CON 2017 (June 23rd-25th)

Posted: Thu May 25, 2017 1:53 pm
by MrAloha
jediknightbobby wrote:Just heard your podcast, Great job. Made my hotel reservations yesterday. Can't wait to go to Vegas and enjoy the con. Once again great interview.

Dear Jedi Knight Bobby,

That is awesome that you're going to the Amazing Las Vegas Comic Con.

1) Have fun at the convention. The Amazing Las Vegas line up is INCREDIBLE! Especially, with the last appearance of Adam West and Burt Ward together in Las Vegas.

2) If you get a chance, please let Jimmy Jay (he and his brother, Bill, are the Amazing organizers) know that you heard his interview on a podcast.

Jimmy posted some selfies, while he was here in Hawaii, on the Amazing Comic Con Instagram site. Please click on the link below.

John will be releasing his episode of the interview tomorrow, Friday, 6/26. (Same interview with, I think, different opening and closing clips.)

And please share this interview episode (Comic For Fun And Profit and the Comic Book Page) with others to let them know about the Amazing Las Vegas and Hawaii Comic Cons. The reason is to spread the word about these conventions.

3) If you get chance, please let us know how it went.

And finally, Jedi Knight Bobby, thank you for the compliment. But seriously, Jimmy was great! Jimmy spoke about their game plan for each convention and he was incredibility knowledgable of all his guest.

Again, have fun at the Amazing! Las Vegas Comic Con!


Re: AMAZING! LAS VEGAS COMIC CON 2017 (June 23rd-25th)

Posted: Thu Jun 01, 2017 3:43 am
by MrAloha
Updated: 5/31/17

Attention: All Comic Book/Pop Culture Fans,

The 5th Annual AMAZING! LAS VEGAS COMIC CON will be on June 23rd to June 25th at the Las Vegas Convention Center

Here is the AMAZING guests line up!
(Note: This is subject to change.)

Media guest list:
Adam West and Burt Ward: The original Dynamic Duo. This will be their final appearance together in Las Vegas
Ray Park: Darth Maul, Snake Eyes, The Toad from the first X-Men Movie

Anime Voice Actor guest list:
Veronica Taylor: Pokemon and Sailor Moon
Bonnie Gordon: Street Fighter

Comic Book guest list:
Stan Lee: Nuff Said
Todd McFarlane: Creator of Spawn. Spawn #1: The Director's cut came out on 5/17.
Rob Liefeld: Creator of Deadpool, Cable, and the X-Force, and the new original Deadpool graphic novel-Deadpool: Bad Blood.
Gerry Conway: Legendary writer, creator of the Punisher. Writer of the Spider-Man story, Death of Gwen Stacy.
Kevin Eastman: Co-Creator of Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
Jim Krueger: Writer on Foot Soldiers, and worked with Alex Ross on the DC's Justice limited series and Marvel's Earth X Trilogy
Mat Nastos: Writer on Phineas & Ferb
Jason Fabok: Artist on Batman #21 & #22, "The Button" crossover.
Chad Hardin: Artist on Harley Quinn.
Tyler Kirkham: Artist on Top Cow Studio's Darkness and Tomb Raider. Does works for KRS Comics where he works on a few exclusive covers for Marvel; such as, the Peter Parker, Spectacular Spider-Man #1. (It's a nice homage cover from the original #1 back in the seventies.) Check it out
Eddie Nunez: Artist on Batman/TMNT Adventures
Natali Sanders: Artist for covers for Zenescope, BDI, and Aspen
Ryan Kinkade: Fan Favorite Artist on the Comic Con Circuit as the "Best Value Commission Artist."
Tony Fleecs: Artist on My Little Pony
Joe Ng: Artist on Street Fighter and G.I. Joe
Jeffrey "Chamba" Cruz: Artist on Blizzard's Overwatch, and Street Fighter
Livio Ramondelli: Artist on Transformers

Extreme Studios Reunion
Rob Liefield
Karl Alstaetter
Dan Fraga
Jeff Matsuda
Marat Mychaels
Shelby Robertson

Amazing Exhibits:
Carlos Molina's PROJKET CARS: Carlos Molina and his crew, per Amazing website, will convert a 800hp Mustang inside and out to celebrate The 25th Anniversary of Spawn.

This is an incredible line up!

Exclusive: Amazing! Mystery Box
Per Amazing! Instagram site, this box is "loaded with the best collectible comics in modern era."
There will be only a 100 boxes per event.
Checkout the link below for the slideshow and short video of what might be in the Amazing! Mystery Boxes.
Instagram: ... ngcomiccon

Tickets are now on sale.

For more information; such as, guest updates, please click on the links below.


Thank you everybody for reading this thread.
