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Back issue podcast ideas.

Posted: Sat Aug 23, 2008 1:36 am
by Perseus
I was just interested in seeing back issues like some DC older stuff. I just found Dial H for Hero interesting in the Waid's Brave and the Bold run. But, I'm not sure if the original run was collected in trade form or reprints, being in House of Mystery. Also, maybe like Phantom Stranger or Adam Strange. Anyways, thanks for the back issue podcasts as well as all the podcats being done. They are fantastic. I love hearing about Bob getting some more Adventure Comics (Supergirl) run. I wanna read some of those stories.

Posted: Sat Aug 23, 2008 7:59 pm
by BobBretall
Those are some good ideas.

While it is nor explicitly stated, we do try to do BI Spotlights on runs that have been reprinted somewhere so that new readers who don't have the original comics can get ahold of them and read them.

While both John & I have the original HOM comics with the Dial "H" stuff, I'm not aware of them being reprinted (or if they were, not being currently in print), so that probably takes that fun run off the table for now.

That being said, the Phantom Stranger & Adam Strange stuff (from Strange Adventures) are both in Showcase editions right now, so they are good candidates for future episodes! We'll take both of those down on advisement! Only slowdown there is getting enough time to re-read the stories.

Posted: Sun Aug 24, 2008 9:28 am
by JohnMayo
I'm game for doing the Robby Reed Dial "H" For Hero issues even though they aren't in trade. If nothing else, it would give me an excuse to read them in the sooner rather than later timeframe.

I guess the question is if those stories not being collected is a problem for our listeners or not. I mean, is there any point in Bob and I discussing a run of issues that isn't easily available in a collected format for you guys to read?

Posted: Sun Aug 24, 2008 7:13 pm
by IanG
Please do a Back Issues Spotlight on the Conan the Barbarian issues #116 to #121 and Conan King-Size Annual #2. This is collected in to the Chronicles of Conan Volume 15: The Corridor of Mullah-Kajar and Other Stories TPB by Dark Horse. I noticed Bob has recently completed his Conan the Barbarian series.:D

This point in the series is about when I got in to reading Conan as a kid. I read my older brothers comics and was amazed at what I saw. I still remember how this series was kind of weird and mystical. I had found the series by way of playing Dungeon and Dragons. These trades from Dark Horse are of good quality and I'm so glad they are reprinting them "re-mastered." ... tories-TPB

Posted: Sun Aug 24, 2008 9:59 pm
by BobBretall
The trick on doing Conan is that I don't think John is a fan of our Cimmerian buddy......

PS: If you like Conan, I'd recommend the run from #58-100 that featured his time with Belit. Wow, I had the hots for her when I was a young teen.
These are reprinted in v8-12 of the Dark Horse "Chronicles of Conan" trades.


Posted: Mon Aug 25, 2008 8:26 am
by JohnMayo
JLAFan wrote:The trick on doing Conan is that I don't think John is a fan of our Cimmerian buddy......
Yeah, I'm not really a Conan fan. If I think about it, I'll see how much the Conan trades are at the Austin Books sale this weekend. If they aren't too much, Bob might be able to talk me into picking up one for a Back Issue Spotlight.

Posted: Mon Aug 25, 2008 7:19 pm
by Squire
I’ve never read any of the Marvel Conan. I like the character, but found the first Busiek trade ok, but not great. I’d be interested to hear about the older stuff.

Posted: Mon Aug 25, 2008 9:28 pm
by BobBretall
It's interesting that Ian started reading Conan shortly after Roy Thomas left the book (Roy's last issue was #115, ending a run of about 10 years).

I actually bought the 1st 14 volumes of the Dark Horse TPs (even though I have all the issues) just so I'd be able to easily pull the Roy Thomas run of Conan off my bookshelf and dive back into those stories!

Since you already read the JM DeMatteis stories covered in TP #15, Ian, how would you feel about me talking John into getting Vol. 8 (#52-59)? This has some classic Conan-y goodness by Roy Thomas & John Buscema and features the very 1st 2 issues of the run with Belit.....

My thought here is that since John has never really been a Conan fan, I'd like to dip him into the pool on Roy Thomas. If he doesn't like that, there's not much hope for him liking any Conan.

Posted: Mon Aug 25, 2008 9:54 pm
by jon carroll
I would like for Grell's Longbow Hunters, both for the story itself and for what the ensuing GA series tried to do.

Failing that, I vote for Zero Hour. I can only speak on a little of what it did, but it did clear up some history and helped launch the nostalgia wave of the legacy characters we see through today.

Posted: Tue Aug 26, 2008 8:39 am
by JohnMayo
jon carroll wrote:I would like for Grell's Longbow Hunters, both for the story itself and for what the ensuing GA series tried to do.

Failing that, I vote for Zero Hour. I can only speak on a little of what it did, but it did clear up some history and helped launch the nostalgia wave of the legacy characters we see through today.
Zero Hour is one that would be fun to do. It is sort of the forgotten Crisis at DC.

Posted: Tue Aug 26, 2008 2:05 pm
by IanG
Bob, please talk John in to checking out that Chronicles of Conan Vol #8 TPB. If he likes it maybe than we'll get a Back Issues Spotlight on Conan, which would be cool. I'm going to get that Chronicles vol #8 myself. I started with vol 15 because it was the most recent one released and it happened to be where I had started reading it, double bonus. I haven't ever seen anything before that so I'm psyched to check it out, thanks Bob for the recommendation. I really liked the Busiek trades myself and the Truman trade is great too. Cary Nord's artwork is just awesome. There's so much action in the art that it just comes to life on the page.

Posted: Tue Aug 26, 2008 2:53 pm
by BobBretall
IanG wrote:Bob, please talk John in to checking out that Chronicles of Conan Vol #8 TPB. If he likes it maybe than we'll get a Back Issues Spotlight on Conan, which would be cool. I'm going to get that Chronicles vol #8 myself. I started with vol 15 because it was the most recent one released and it happened to be where I had started reading it, double bonus. I haven't ever seen anything before that so I'm psyched to check it out, thanks Bob for the recommendation. I really liked the Busiek trades myself and the Truman trade is great too. Cary Nord's artwork is just awesome. There's so much action in the art that it just comes to life on the page.
Please let us know what you think of the Thomas/Buscema Conan!

I like the Busiek/Nord Conan also, but it's different from the Thomas/Buscema stuff.

Posted: Tue Aug 26, 2008 6:11 pm
by BobBretall
OK, John has been talked into doing v8 of Conan Chronicles.

Now he just needs to Find/Buy/Read it ;)

Posted: Tue Aug 26, 2008 7:04 pm
by Perseus
Hey guys. I'll throw one more idea out there. I haven't read either but I want to at some point. So, how bout a back issue spotlight on some Howard the Duck or some Godzilla?

Posted: Wed Aug 27, 2008 9:22 am
by JohnMayo
Perseus wrote:Hey guys. I'll throw one more idea out there. I haven't read either but I want to at some point. So, how bout a back issue spotlight on some Howard the Duck or some Godzilla?
I think I've got the Essential Godzilla trade paperback...