In the thread for Previews Spotlight #124, the topic of how to handle duplicate submissions for the Previews Spotlight came up. For that episode, there were a couple of items with multiple submissions:
Black Hammer: Age of Doom #1
Doctor Star and the Kingdom of Lost Tomorrows #2
Aliens: Dust to Dust #1
Astro City #52
Thanos Annual #1
Suvival Fetish #1
Personally, I don't mind duplicate picks.
I'd like to get a general consensus of how you all feel by Monday February 26th which is a few days before the next Previews comes out on February 28th.
The polls is to help me understand how people feel on the matter. The results of this poll will influence but not dictate my decision. There are other factors involved such as how much effort/time it might take to implement consensus.
The options are what came to mind while I was putting the poll together. One or more of them might be jokes...
Dealing with duplicate picks for Previews Spotlight episodes
Moderator: JohnMayo
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Re: Dealing with duplicate picks for Previews Spotlight epis
On the subject of duplicate picks:
I get that John doesn't want to just wantonly remove duplicates for a myriad of reasons, not the least of which it could be taken as a slight by the person who submitted it and no one wants people to get their feelings hurt. It takes time, effort, and courage to record a solicit and send it in, and if you only recorded that one, or a handful, then it would be a pretty significant disappointment to tune in to listen to the podcast only to find that it wasn't selected. I would imagine that John doesn't want to get into judging the "worthiness" of one solicit over another, and that isn't what this community is about. It's about enjoying great comics and sharing that joy and enthusiasm with others.
My approach to handle duplicate submissions would probably be to continue to emphasize the listeners work this out in the forums. I also think that if the submitted "duplicate" adds something to the comic solicitation (and isn't a second re-reading of the published solicit and isn't too long), then it should remain in the final recording.
That being said, I don't necessarily think that duplicates are that big of a problem, but the occasional triplicate, well, that's a bit much. Listeners can always scrub ahead past solicits they aren't interested in. And for what it's worth, I realize that I generally submit between 6-9 picks every month, so I get that I'm potentially duplicating other picks. I also tend to stick pretty closely to the published solicit, so John I am now reassuring you that I won't ever mind if my pick is discarded due to duplicity.
I'd still like to learn what others think on this subject.
Thanks for a very fun podcast and a fun community, John.
I get that John doesn't want to just wantonly remove duplicates for a myriad of reasons, not the least of which it could be taken as a slight by the person who submitted it and no one wants people to get their feelings hurt. It takes time, effort, and courage to record a solicit and send it in, and if you only recorded that one, or a handful, then it would be a pretty significant disappointment to tune in to listen to the podcast only to find that it wasn't selected. I would imagine that John doesn't want to get into judging the "worthiness" of one solicit over another, and that isn't what this community is about. It's about enjoying great comics and sharing that joy and enthusiasm with others.
My approach to handle duplicate submissions would probably be to continue to emphasize the listeners work this out in the forums. I also think that if the submitted "duplicate" adds something to the comic solicitation (and isn't a second re-reading of the published solicit and isn't too long), then it should remain in the final recording.
That being said, I don't necessarily think that duplicates are that big of a problem, but the occasional triplicate, well, that's a bit much. Listeners can always scrub ahead past solicits they aren't interested in. And for what it's worth, I realize that I generally submit between 6-9 picks every month, so I get that I'm potentially duplicating other picks. I also tend to stick pretty closely to the published solicit, so John I am now reassuring you that I won't ever mind if my pick is discarded due to duplicity.
I'd still like to learn what others think on this subject.
Thanks for a very fun podcast and a fun community, John.
Last edited by bralinator on Thu Feb 15, 2018 4:09 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Re: Dealing with duplicate picks for Previews Spotlight epis
i change my vote to Other - first in gets preference when triplicate submissions -
Comics For Fun and Profit(also available on iTunes and Stitcher)
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Re: Dealing with duplicate picks for Previews Spotlight epis
Seconded!drew wrote:i change my vote to Other - first in gets preference when triplicate submissions -

Re: Dealing with duplicate picks for Previews Spotlight epis
Not having been a regular submitter until the last year or so, and usually only submitting 2-5 items a month, tops, I feel we should abide by the original rules that state you should list what you will be submitting, and don’t duplicate anything already listed ahead of you.
When I go through previews, I typically tear out 10 interesting items, then I go on the board and immediately toss out any that have already been listed by someone else.
Not to make things too painful for John, but I would say that we follow those rules and if someone submits a dupe because they don’t regularly read the board, or because they feel strongly enough that they can’t live without submitting their item, that John not toss it but just remind them about the board/listing process for next time.
At worst, it should eventually reduce a percentage, if not all, of the dupes.
In the end, though, duplicates don’t bother me. I just hit my 30-second forward button a time or two and continue on listening.
When I go through previews, I typically tear out 10 interesting items, then I go on the board and immediately toss out any that have already been listed by someone else.
Not to make things too painful for John, but I would say that we follow those rules and if someone submits a dupe because they don’t regularly read the board, or because they feel strongly enough that they can’t live without submitting their item, that John not toss it but just remind them about the board/listing process for next time.
At worst, it should eventually reduce a percentage, if not all, of the dupes.
In the end, though, duplicates don’t bother me. I just hit my 30-second forward button a time or two and continue on listening.
Re: Dealing with duplicate picks for Previews Spotlight epis
I'm sure it's been years since I've posted but I do listen to all the podcasts so I thought I'd chime in.
I'll admit to being slightly annoyed by duplicate clips. I'd much rather hear about that book you're loving that isn't getting the attention that you feel it deserves (Thanks Drew for Mockingbird!) than a duplicate clip no matter how enthusiastic you may be about it. To me, bringing a book to my attention is great, and the point of the Previews episode. Bringing it to my attention a second time is repetitive and unnecessary.
Having said that, I tend to FF past duplicate clips anyway but the question being asked here is how we feel about duplicate clips. For me, I could do without them but if people dig them than that's cool too.
I guess my advice to clip providers is to try to avoid duplicates when possible. If you really must be heard on a certain book then I guess that's ok but as John says at the beginning over every episode "there are thousands of books" in Previews. While perhaps we can't go through the book page by page or publisher by publisher we can certainly spread the love around as much as possible.
I'll admit to being slightly annoyed by duplicate clips. I'd much rather hear about that book you're loving that isn't getting the attention that you feel it deserves (Thanks Drew for Mockingbird!) than a duplicate clip no matter how enthusiastic you may be about it. To me, bringing a book to my attention is great, and the point of the Previews episode. Bringing it to my attention a second time is repetitive and unnecessary.
Having said that, I tend to FF past duplicate clips anyway but the question being asked here is how we feel about duplicate clips. For me, I could do without them but if people dig them than that's cool too.
I guess my advice to clip providers is to try to avoid duplicates when possible. If you really must be heard on a certain book then I guess that's ok but as John says at the beginning over every episode "there are thousands of books" in Previews. While perhaps we can't go through the book page by page or publisher by publisher we can certainly spread the love around as much as possible.
Re: Dealing with duplicate picks for Previews Spotlight epis
Dear Gang,
1) I don't mind duplicate clips.
2) BUT I agree with Bralinator that the triplicate clip is a bit much.
3) For me, as a long time contributor, this is what I plan to do.
And I don't mind doing this.
They are:
a) If me and someone else are submitting a clip on a same comic, I'll let the other person submit a clip. And I can submit a clip on another comic or something else. Previews is a 600 page magazine full of temptations. LOL!
b) If I REALLY, REALLY want to submit a clip on a comic, I'll post on the forum that I'll submit a clip with a different angle. Such as, when ROM #1 came out. I remember asked Bralinator if it was okay if I could send a clip on ROM #1 but focus on Bill Mantlo, writer of ROM when it was at Marvel.
The reasons I'm going to do this are:
1) I don't want to put the burden on John to chose to which clip to cut.
2) I'm hoping this may give new listeners a chance to submit clips in to the Previews Spotlight episode.
And 3) to Promote other comics that I enjoy reading; such as, Blood Shot: Salvation. I can't explain it, but it's the top of my reading stack. And I don't think I've ever submitted a clip for this series.
Thank you,
1) I don't mind duplicate clips.
2) BUT I agree with Bralinator that the triplicate clip is a bit much.
3) For me, as a long time contributor, this is what I plan to do.
And I don't mind doing this.
They are:
a) If me and someone else are submitting a clip on a same comic, I'll let the other person submit a clip. And I can submit a clip on another comic or something else. Previews is a 600 page magazine full of temptations. LOL!
b) If I REALLY, REALLY want to submit a clip on a comic, I'll post on the forum that I'll submit a clip with a different angle. Such as, when ROM #1 came out. I remember asked Bralinator if it was okay if I could send a clip on ROM #1 but focus on Bill Mantlo, writer of ROM when it was at Marvel.
The reasons I'm going to do this are:
1) I don't want to put the burden on John to chose to which clip to cut.
2) I'm hoping this may give new listeners a chance to submit clips in to the Previews Spotlight episode.
And 3) to Promote other comics that I enjoy reading; such as, Blood Shot: Salvation. I can't explain it, but it's the top of my reading stack. And I don't think I've ever submitted a clip for this series.
Thank you,
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Re: Dealing with duplicate picks for Previews Spotlight epis
I think it was my discussion with Drew in the forum for Previews Spotlight #124 that perhaps sparked this poll from John. For me, I'm not too irritated about duplicate clips of two, but when it goes up to 3 or more (was it seven clips on that Legion of Superheroes issue a few months back? Grrrr!) it starts to bother me. And since I'm usually "doing something else" while I'm listening (grading papers, cleaning, washing dishes, etc.) it's also irritating to have to fast forward - and possibly miss other content- just to skip the duplicates. So, my "other" vote would be to limit the clips to two duplicates using the first two submitted. If the 3rd submitter doesn't check the forum to see if someone has chosen the clip or not, then basically it's their own fault if the clip isn't used. Checking the forum for an intention to submit a clip has been a rule since I've been involved here. It shouldn't hurt anyone to follow it. It also helps to have listened awhile and anticipate what clips others might submit. For example, I know Superman Fan is probably going to submit clips on issues of Action, Superman, and perhaps Super Sons so I tend to avoid submitting those. As Jason said earlier in this thread, there's probably more than enough content in an issue of Previews to be able to avoid over-duplication.