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I am about 6 weeks back on my weekly comics. I am binge reading about 12 comics a day attempting to catch up My hardcovers and trade piles are all unread and I'm embarrassed to say I keep buying more. I think this is why Kowabunga loves me Do you guys have huge stacks of unread goodies? I am really hoping to read everything you see!
I have an entire bookshelf of "to be read" collected editions, as well as a handful of short boxes (mostly older issues) that I am curating for a less hectic time. I'm 31, so ... 36 years until retirement? Should be a good vintage by then
I've purchased a lot of back issues over the years both in physical and digital form. I've also gotten a lot of trades. Right now I have about six thousand comics to read. It seems daunting but I keep plugging away. It's actually fun having a lot of choices only a comic closet away. No shame in always having great something to read.
ChrisMyers wrote:I've purchased a lot of back issues over the years both in physical and digital form. I've also gotten a lot of trades. Right now I have about six thousand comics to read. It seems daunting but I keep plugging away. It's actually fun having a lot of choices only a comic closet away. No shame in always having great something to read.
There are certain series I stay very current on. And then there are series I buy to read in chunks (a lot of indy stuff is in this category). At the beginning of every new comic week, I read the series that came out that week (rationale to which series I read first each week changes on a whim). Then I randomly read other series, "vintage" back issues, or collected editions throughout the week. At any point in time, I could have random series I haven't read in 6 months. Half of my collected editions are read, but I feel good about it because they are all on a bookshelf!
I'm glad I'm not the only one. I have only made the change from single issues to trades in the last eighteen months or so. I'm already 204 trades behind. I don't believe I'm actually buying 11 trades a month more than I read, but that is what the numbers seem to indicate.
fudd71 wrote:I'm glad I'm not the only one. I have only made the change from single issues to trades in the last eighteen months or so. I'm already 204 trades behind. I don't believe I'm actually buying 11 trades a month more than I read, but that is what the numbers seem to indicate.
Nice stack I love my singles but, I'll tell you, reading a trade is so much easier!