Is issue numbering different for digital books?

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Is issue numbering different for digital books?

Post by jacovny »

I've been trying since Christmas to get caught up on Injustice and Injustice 2 by buying them digitally, intending to transition to print. Finally thought I had: I'd just read what Amazon has labeled "issue 18", ending with Team Batman being sealed inside the fortres of Ra's Al Ghul. I then picked up a hard copy of issue 19, which begins with Team Batman in the Fortress of Solitude, and apparently several major events having transpired in the meantime. I'm new to reading comics digitally (only having done so this time as a last resort), so I may have missed something. Are issues numbered differently in the digital format than in print? Grateful for any insight you can provide fellas. Thanks.

UPDATE: On the DC website, I see that the issue Amazon calls "#18" is actually issue #9 of the series. Anyone know the reason for this?
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Re: Is issue numbering different for digital books?

Post by JohnMayo »

The print issues contain two of the digital issues. That way they can keep the price down on the digital issues and get them out faster and "collect" them for the print issue which they then collect for the trade and collect again for the hardcovers.
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Re: Is issue numbering different for digital books?

Post by jacovny »

JohnMayo wrote:The print issues contain two of the digital issues. That way they can keep the price down on the digital issues and get them out faster and "collect" them for the print issue which they then collect for the trade and collect again for the hardcovers.
Good LORD.
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