First, let start with what I have dropped already over the past few months:
Legion of Super-Heroes
Ms. Marvel
Incredible Hercules
Young X-Men
Wonder Woman
Batman Confidential
Brave and the Bold
Second, let me repeat my Top Ten list:
1) Batman
2) Action Comics
3) Justice Society of America
4) Green Lantern
5) Justice League of America
6) Daredevil
7) Captain America

9 ) Mighty Avengers
10) Thor
Ok, with that in mind, I feel that I have to get the current Superman crossover, the JsofA one-shots in November, Final Crisis, and Secret Invasion, especially since those “events” involves my favorite creators. Plus, Batman is being published twice in the month of November. As a result, I have dropped Trinity for sure. I can’t get every “weekly” book that the big two are publishing. I am keeping Amazing Spider-man as it is such an enjoyable book, especially with the current story arc.
I have decided to drop the Titans line of books starting in November. This is a hard decision since I have been getting the Teen Titans since issue 1, but I haven’t really loved the title in a long-time. And now they have spin-offs, which I think is a bad idea; I am dropping this title and the spin-offs. As a comic book fan for years, I exhibit the typical behavior of getting all related titles of the core book. It is hard for me to get one title and not the other, so I end of dropping all the titles.
On the other hand, I love the X-Men books right now, so I will continue to get a lot of the X-Men books. I even got the first issue of X-Men Manifest Destiny and even though it really doesn’t have a big impact on the core books, I really enjoyed the stories so I am going to continue to get this mini. I love X-Men Legacy so I am getting the crossover with Wolverine Origins.
I have been getting majority of the Ultimate titles since the line started. I have been enjoying Ultimate Spider-man since issue 1 and don’t want to stop getting that book. I am on the fence with Ultimate X-Men because I also have been getting the book since issue 1. I might wait until after 100 to determine if I keep it or not. I will be getting the Ultimatum.
One of the questions that either Bob or John asked me on the Comics Fatigue episode, if I start to drop titles, would I replace a dropped DC title with a new DC title, or would I replace a dropped DC title with a Marvel title or vice versa. Originally I responded that I would replace a DC title with another DC title and the same with a Marvel title. However, going through the list of comics, I realized that even though my top books are the DC books, I enjoy more Marvel comics than DC comics. In other words, I feel that the Marvel line as a whole is much stronger (in my opinion) than DC’s line. Therefore, I am replacing DC titles with Marvel titles.
I rather read Runaway, Eternals, and Iron Fist rather than Green Arrow/ Black Canary, Robin, and Batman/ Outsiders. I am keeping Nova and the Guardians of the Galaxy for now. There is something very enjoyable about reading 2nd Tier characters as they are not bounded by the same rules that the 1st Tier characters are. And I feel that Marvel 2nd Tier characters are better written than the DC 2nd Tier books.
Quick notes:
I am stilling digging Invincible Iron Man and the Hulk.
The Secret Six is now on my list.
Superman is still on my list even after the crossover
Supergirl is temporary on my list because I want to try out the new creative team
Nightwing has never been this good so it stays
Detective Comics stays as well.
I am keeping Echo, Criminal, Kick-(bleep), and War Heroes. I will keep reading Madame Xandu until #6 and then continue to read it in trades. I prefer to read majority of non-super-hero titles in Trade format.
Sorry to ramble a bit on with this post, but I felt inspired to discuss my thoughts after listening to Bob and John’s episode on Top Ten Comics. I post my thoughts around which trades I get and when later.