Will the podcast ever go back?

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Will the podcast ever go back?

Post by cgenro »

longtime listener here and this message and question is mainly for John. i know with what has happened in the world this past year has changed so many aspects of our lives and with the pause in comic releases the podcast had to change format. I was wondering if the comics reviews will every go back to the weekly format and also I greatly enjoyed your monthly discussion of the sales number but we havent seen that for sometime either.

I dont want to sound like Im complained about something I get for free and I so much appreciate the hours and hours of entertainment you have provided but I will admit I am not as engaged with the show as I once was.

take care and stay safe everyone!
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Re: Will the podcast ever go back?

Post by JohnMayo »

After a dozen years, the weekly grind of the Weekly Comics Spotlight had gotten a bit much and the pandemic shutdown forced some changes. With the current Back Issue Spotlight and Monthly Comics Spotlight I'm able to plan further ahead and take a little time off now and then which just wasn't possible with the Weekly Comics Spotlight. I'm not going to say the Weekly Comics Spotlight will never come back but there are currently no plans to go back to it.

The sales discussions also went away with the pandemic shutdown because Diamond stopped releasing the sales data. After March 2020, Diamond released ranked but unindexed lists (which can't be converted into units) for July, August, September and October of 2020 and nothing at all since then. Unfortunately, I can't crunch data I don't have. I think it is a shame that Diamond stopped releasing the indexed lists with the shutdown last year as I think the data could have potentially provided some much needed insights on the impact the pandemic had on sales patterns. With Marvel moving to Penguin Random House, even if Diamond resumed releasing sales data moving forward it probably wouldn't be overly useful without matching data from Lunar and Penguin Random House. So unless there is interest in a deeper dive into the historical data, until current data becomes available again, there isn't much I can do to get those episodes going again.
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