Weekly Comics Spotlight #122
Posted: Mon Dec 21, 2009 8:48 am
Hey Guys,
Hope you're geared up for a Merry Xmas.
Couple of thoughts on this weeks episode:
R.E.B.E.L.S. 11 - I've been LOVING this series and, like you, am disappointed and mystified at how poorly this sells. It's great that the "gimmick" bumped the book to 51K, and hopefully this will light a fire and make if viable for a long run, but I think we're all pragmatic to know that's unlikely. It's a shame b/c this is one of DC's best books of 2009, plain and simple
Nation X - Pleasantly surprised Bob enjoyed this book. As you noted, the X-universe has now got a consistent policy of putting out "slice of life" anthology one shots in conjunction with arcs. Manifest Destiny was another recent example to add to the ones John mentioned. I agree it was smart to have major X-men for a change, although I also agree the Iceman as source of water just seems ridiculous to me.
The God Complex - I feel particularly compelled to discuss this one b/c I'm the one who recommended this title on the Previews Spotlight show. Let me apologize to everyone for that.
I really didn't care for this book. The art by John Broglia was evocative of Oeming's style, but it was muddy; which could have been either the production department's fault OR the inking process, hard to tell but either way it didn't work. Like John, the lettering gaffes bothered me to no end, and I called them out for it on this week's episode of 11 O'Clock Comics. All in all, this was a snoozer, poorly produced and I too am not going to continue with the series.
Quickly other points:
Adventures Comics - Totally agree with John. Obviously Wein was trying to be tongue in cheek, but it was too much. Superboy Prime, by his very design, is supposed to represent all that's bad with fanboys. Having such overt dialog and situations on top of his characterization is akin to someone walking in and telling you "look how smart I am" or "I am so rich"...and history tells me that if you have to tell someone how great/rich/awesome/etc you are, you probably aren't.
Daytripper - EASILY my pick of the week. Ba/Moon are a tour de force and this first issue was a perfect COMIC. In an era of waiting for the trade, this is an issue that someone can read and be fully satiated at the end of the issue. There's no cliffhanger that you have to come back for or be left wanting. Sure, I'm betting there's an overarching theme that will run throughout the maxi-series, but as a standalone issue this had a quality beginning, middle and end.
Hope you're geared up for a Merry Xmas.
Couple of thoughts on this weeks episode:
R.E.B.E.L.S. 11 - I've been LOVING this series and, like you, am disappointed and mystified at how poorly this sells. It's great that the "gimmick" bumped the book to 51K, and hopefully this will light a fire and make if viable for a long run, but I think we're all pragmatic to know that's unlikely. It's a shame b/c this is one of DC's best books of 2009, plain and simple
Nation X - Pleasantly surprised Bob enjoyed this book. As you noted, the X-universe has now got a consistent policy of putting out "slice of life" anthology one shots in conjunction with arcs. Manifest Destiny was another recent example to add to the ones John mentioned. I agree it was smart to have major X-men for a change, although I also agree the Iceman as source of water just seems ridiculous to me.
The God Complex - I feel particularly compelled to discuss this one b/c I'm the one who recommended this title on the Previews Spotlight show. Let me apologize to everyone for that.

Quickly other points:
Adventures Comics - Totally agree with John. Obviously Wein was trying to be tongue in cheek, but it was too much. Superboy Prime, by his very design, is supposed to represent all that's bad with fanboys. Having such overt dialog and situations on top of his characterization is akin to someone walking in and telling you "look how smart I am" or "I am so rich"...and history tells me that if you have to tell someone how great/rich/awesome/etc you are, you probably aren't.

Daytripper - EASILY my pick of the week. Ba/Moon are a tour de force and this first issue was a perfect COMIC. In an era of waiting for the trade, this is an issue that someone can read and be fully satiated at the end of the issue. There's no cliffhanger that you have to come back for or be left wanting. Sure, I'm betting there's an overarching theme that will run throughout the maxi-series, but as a standalone issue this had a quality beginning, middle and end.