deadpool wrote:
Ok so with warlord i would probably be one of the younger readers john talks about, i'm just 24, never really came across Warlord in my reading, first encounter was JL unlimited cartoon, even that to me was one of the weaker episodes (but still great), most interest i showed was in the DC direct figure released awhile ago, but even then i didn't buy it (and i buy alot of crap, not saying it was crap but saying it isn't like i don't buy stuff on a wim)
I can understand why the property isn't something you are into. Aside from that Justice League Unlimited episode and this new series, DC hasn't done a great job selling the premise for the series over the past two decades. Frankly, while I enjoyed the JLU episode, it didn't really knock my socks off either.
deadpool wrote:
and these new Warlord books don't interest me at all, apart from the fact that John and bob talk about this book alot (can't think of a Mayo report that john doesn't say "i wish that book wasn't doing better")
I do love Mike Grells classic Green Arrow work but this just doesn't do anything for me in terms of character design, story idea (i always disliked things like savage land and hidden kingdoms in the tundra)
Not all books are for all readers. It sounds like this isn't the sort of series you are into. (And there is nothing wrong with that.) I'm not all that much into the hidden kingdoms genre but I enjoy the blend of the modern man in the ancient world with touched of both magic and sci-fi super science.
deadpool wrote:
Now John mentions demand for the book being out there, now it could be the circles i run in. but i didn't hear anything for this book, i fact it seemed out of the blue when it did return, i remember my retailer wondering why they where doing it, Now my local is a big store, we'll move 15-20 copies of Jonah Hex or Rebels off the shelf, even moved about 10 copies of Dead Romeo thing a few months back, but he only orders 3 copies of Warlord a month and atleast one copy goes into back issues, now his got shelf space to do it, its not in the way of another book,
The relaunch of Warlord was a little out of the blue. Particularly so soon after the previous out of the blue reboot of the property. I don't think there was any sort of spontaneous outcry for either relaunch but I think there is a audience from the original series that would pick this up if they were still into comics.
deadpool wrote:
Now as i said it could just be my circle i run, if my LCS doesn't care for the book they won't try to sell it to me, at the same time though my LCS manager knows a spend alot of time listening to podcasts and on the boards and asks me for general reactions both my own and comic buying public at large to books, we never talked about warlord.
Your comment here reminds me why I enjoyed shopping at the Comic Gallery in Mira Mesa, CA back when I lived in San Diego. Every week when I'd go in to get my comics I'd spend some time talking to Joe. He had a knack for pointing out titles I wasn't getting that he though I'd enjoy. A lot of titles get added to my pull list this way. It seems like most stores are more like the one you shop at with the taste of the manager influencing what books get promoted and which don't.
And, please don't take that as any sort of knock on the store or manager. It isn't. People are going to promote the books they like. It is only natural. But what I liked about Joe's recommendations is they were books he thought *I* would like even if he might not. Being able to identify books that fit somebody else's taste is much harder to do.
As for not talking about Warlord and it not selling at that store, I'm not surprised. Odds are it is that way in virtually every store out there. Hence the low sales.
deadpool wrote:
I'm worried at this point i'm sounding negative and i don't wish to be AT ALL, i've never read Warlord but i do respect Grells work. i'm just adding my perspective as a younger reader to this book. actully after all this talking i may pick up a copy of an issue today in my LCS just to get a better perspective after all i've talked the talk i should walk the walk
I appreciate hearing your perspective on this. DC could have done a much better job in how they launched the series. They could have generated some interest in the series but releasing a low cost initial trade of the early issues of the original series followed by releasing a few others trades in short order, say two months between volumes. After using that time to actively regenerate interest in the property via interviews and stories the like the current Captain Atom backup feature in Action Comics involving Skartaris, then they could have relaunched the series. The early stories in the first volume do a great job setting up the premise, characters and mythology of the Warlord and it is hard to recapture that initial feeling of discovery.
As it was, the relaunch was too quiet and too soon after the aborted reboot series. That gave the new series two hurdled to overcome. The first being the poor reception the Bruce Jones/Bart Sears series hand. The second hurdle was the abrupt stop of the series with the storyline aborted at the end of the penultimate issue with the final issue being a disconnected done in one story.